Invitation to join the Parents' Association

The Parents' Association is a committee run by parents and carers of our school whose focus is to build a positive community and school spirit, and to support the work of the Principal and School Council. The committee represents the voice of parents and friends of the school.
The PA is responsible for many of the events that our students love throughout the year including the Easter Raffle, the Mothers and Fathers’ Day Stalls, Hot Dog Day and handing out icy poles and fruits at sports events. We also support the school’s fundraising initiatives.
Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 29th November at 6.30pm in the BER. This is an excellent time to join the PA as a registered member or Office Bearer. We have 8 meetings per year, and these are held in the BER during warmer months, and on WebEx in Winter. Meetings run for approximately 1 hour and are always attended by our Principal, Helen Freeman.
If you are interested in joining the Committee, please read through the attached Constitution of Parents’ Association and complete the form on the last page. A copy of the form only is also attached below.
Please hand your form into the office by November 28th.
Being a member of the Parents’ Association is a wonderful way to support the whole school community. We look forward to welcoming you to the committee.
Julie Jago-Kerr
Parents’ Association President