Cohort News

"I alone cannot change the world, 

but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” 

— Mother Teresa

Year 7 Pastoral Care

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Here we are! Halfway through the last term of Year 7. Only 5 weeks to go! I’m sure you can sense the anticipation for the summer holidays every day with your daughter. 


As we enter these last few weeks of the academic year, I’d like to congratulate our Year 7 cohort for the magnificent way they’ve approached this term. They’ve been inconvenienced with locker access and playground access as a result of the HSC and they’ve handled this with aplomb. Well done ladies!!


By the time you read this, the very last assessment tasks will be conducted imminently and I wish all the girls the best of luck in their final assessments as Year 7 students.

Moving into our last 5 weeks of the term, I encourage you all to enjoy these last few weeks in class without the pressure of significant summative assessments and I hope that your teachers have some fun things planned for your lessons. 


Keep an eye out over the next few weeks for some communications from the school as to the exact nature of how our last few days of Term 4 will look like. We have assemblies, masses and fun things planned! More to come on these.


I’ll leave you with a lovely snapshot taken by Mrs Christofides of some of our Year 7 students during their surfing lesson on Thursday afternoon. The surf has been pumping of late so hopefully some excellent skills have been gained. 

5 weeks to go - we can do this!!!


Tom Inatey

Year 7 Pastoral Care Coordinator

Year 8 Pastoral Care

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,


We hope this newsletter finds you well. Last week our Year 8 students embarked on an unforgettable camp experience that was filled with adventure, personal growth, and unforgettable memories. 


The Year 8 camp, which took place at Stanwell Tops Conference Centre, was a great success. Our Year 8 students eagerly embraced the opportunity to step outside of their comfort zones, learn new skills and bond with their peers and teachers. Throughout the camp, our students faced various challenges and obstacles, but they demonstrated remarkable teamwork and problem-solving skills that they are to be congratulated on.


As a cohort, they learned the value of working together, pushing their limits and persevering. These experiences not only encouraged personal growth but also deepened their friendships, reinforcing the strong sense of community that defines Brigidine College Randwick.


We look forward to sharing the captivating camp stories, photos and memories in the next edition of the College newsletter. In the meantime, we encourage you to engage with your daughter and ask her to share her own personal highlights from this unforgettable experience.


Wishing you all a wonderful day and stay tuned for the next edition of the newsletter!


Rebecca Monohan

Year 8 Pastoral Care Coordinator

Year 9 Pastoral Care


Dear Year 9 Parents and Carers,


Year 9 Camp - Save the Date!

The Camp will be held at Somerset - Outdoor Learning - Colo River. (411 Upper Colo Road, Colo, NSW) .


We will need all online registrations completed no later than Wednesday 22nd  November to allow sufficient time for medical screening/catering and logistics planning. After this date, we are unable to guarantee that special requirements/adjustments are able to be accommodated.

  • What to bring to the camp list is attached: 23 Equipment List Rucksack (2).pdf 
  • Students MUST be at the College at 6:30 am on Wednesday 29 November. Students will depart the College at 6:45 am.
  • Students will return to the College at approximately 3:00 pm on Friday 1 December. 
  • In addition to giving your consent via this Compass event, all parents/guardians must also visit the link below and complete the required details: 

1. Please go to

2. Select School Camps in the Menu > Click the box Online Medical Forms and 

    Camp Information

3. Enter Login details:  Username – brigyr9  Password – brig2023

  • Completing the Online Camp Medical Form and Participant Declaration Form

1. Please complete the necessary Personal and Medical fields for your daughter

2. You will also have options to hire or purchase any equipment you may need.

3. There are links to the Equipment List, Useful Packing Tips and FAQs.

4. A Participant Declaration is included – please read and complete it as indicated.

5. Once the Online Camp Form has been completed you will receive a summary of    

     these details on screen – Please: click ‘Next’ at the bottom of this pending screen 

     to complete the submission.

6. A Confirmation will be emailed to you

  • If your daughter requires medication while away the following form MUST be completed and returned to the Year 9 Pastoral Care Coordinator. 
  • Authority to Administer Medication form -
  • Lastly, the camp does not allow Nuts or Nut Products at camp, this goes for any Somerset/School staff at base or in the field. Please ensure treats are nut-free.

Warm regards,


Nikki McWhirter

Year 9 Pastoral Care Coordinator

Year 10 Pastoral Care

Dear Year 10,


As the semester unfolds and you find yourselves immersed in the ebb and flow of assessments, we wanted to take a moment to extend our heartfelt best wishes to each and every one of you. This is undoubtedly a challenging time, but we believe in your resilience, dedication and the tremendous effort you've put into your studies.


The assessments you're undertaking are stepping stones to not only academic growth but also personal development. Remember that these moments of challenge are the building blocks of your success story and you are more than capable of overcoming them with grace and tenacity.


As you navigate through the demands of assessments, don't forget to take care of yourselves. Embrace the power of balance – make time for relaxation, connect with friends, and engage in activities that rejuvenate your spirit. Remember, a well-rested mind is a sharp mind.


Looking ahead, we're excited to share the anticipation for the upcoming retreat. Retreats offer a unique opportunity to step back from the hustle of everyday life, reflect on your journey so far and build deeper connections with your peers. This retreat is not just a break from routine; it's a chance to explore your inner selves, strengthen friendships, faith and create lasting memories.


I wish you all the very best in your assessments and look forward to seeing you embrace the retreat experience with open hearts and minds.




Tony Munguia

Year 10 Pastoral Care Coordinator

Year 11 Pastoral Care

I cannot believe we are halfway through Term 4 and nearing the end of what has been an eventful year for the new 2024 Year 12 Cohort. As I mentioned previously, the girls have started  Year 12  well with Year 12 teachers commenting on how seriously the girls are approaching their studies. This has seen the quick rollout of their first privilege which is the 2024 Year 12 Jersey and they look fabulous. A massive mention must go to the jersey committee for organising and facilitating this process and a special mention to Piper Jackson of Regina Mundi for putting together the Indigenous design that can be seen on the back of the Jersey. 


As I mentioned to the girls there are more privileges to come and just like with the jersey, they have to be earned, they are not a ‘right’. Their ongoing attention to wearing the correct uniform, being punctual to school and class and conducting themselves as leaders of the college will see them being able to access them in a timely manner.

I have the utmost faith that this cohort will be able to do this.


Most Year 12 subjects will have upcoming assessments and I want to wish the girls the best of luck. In saying that, luck will not have anything to do with their possible success, only hard work and effective engagement with their classwork and teachers, will lead to success. 


Jon Campbell

Year 11 Pastoral Care Coordinator