Library News

Welcome to the College Library!



The new college library is almost here and the library staff are excited to share the new space with staff and students. We are currently working hard placing furniture, moving books and organising all library resources for the library opening. This building is an exciting addition to the college, as it aims to provide students with an inspiring and comfortable space to read, learn, and grow. The new space will be fit with a reading lounge, junior and senior fiction and non-fiction areas, study tables, print and finishing services, and a picture book reading area.


We are confident that our new library will serve as a hub of innovation and creativity for our students, and we can't wait to see the amazing things that they will accomplish within its walls. We invite you all to join us in celebrating this exciting milestone and look forward to seeing you in the library soon!




As we approach moving into the new college library, a new timetable will accommodate classes to visit the library on a weekly basis. We will welcome primary and secondary classes as normal, to be a part of library sessions. For the remainder of this term each class will have the opportunity to visit the space where they will have orientation of the new library and enjoy quiet reading or storytime. 



As we are nearing the end of term 4, the college library needs you to collect and return all borrowed resources. If you have any books borrowed, please pay a visit to the library and return any overdue items. Returning your resources is incredibly important because it ensures that all resources are accounted for. 


Primary students: please return all books by December 8th.Secondary students: please return all resources by November 20th (prior to Flying Start)




The final issue of the Scholastic Book Club for this year is out now! If you wish to put in an order, please make sure you have it in by the date below. If you have any questions regarding anything ‘Book Club’, The library is more than happy to assist you.  


FYI: Please return by Wednesday November 29th 


Many thanks, The Library Team: Jen, Karen, Meg.