P-2 Learning Community

Doreen Smider - Learning Community Leader


This term our prep classes have been exploring the topic ‘Living Things’.  As part of this unit we have been reading non fiction texts about animals and writing interesting facts we have learnt. Last week we published our first Information reports about Australian animals. We are so proud of our work. 


Kaboom Sports


Week 6 saw our much-anticipated sports incursion. Luke and Gary from Kaboom Sports ran an inclusive and engaging tabloid sports experience for our P-2 students. We were very lucky this year to have Merrigum PS, Girgarre PS, Stanhope PS, Lancaster PS, Tongala PS, St Patrick’s PS and St Augustine’s College join us. It was an amazing morning of energy, fun and excitement. Thank you to the teachers and staff who helped make this such a successful experience. Special thanks to our invited schools and of course to Kaboom Sports!      



Fairy Tales


Year 1 and 2 students recently celebrated their Fairy Tale publishing party. Over the past few weeks students have planned, drafted, revised, edited and published their individual Fairy Tales. The task challenged students to include a known villain and a touch of magic to their Fairy Tales. I hope you enjoy reading your child’s published piece once they arrive home. Thanks to Miss Woolard for planning a wonderful unit of learning. The following are a couple of examples.


Big Bad Fox

Once a long time ago the Third Billy Goat Gruff was wondering through the shady forest. Alongside his best friend, the Ginger Bread Man, when suddenly, Fox came up behind them… Ginger Bread Man spots the Fox our of the corner of his eye. He turns around “Hey! Why do you keep following us?” he says pointing to the Fox’s nose. The Fox spreads his claws and doesn’t respond. The Fox slowly starts walking backwards, He suddenly pounces onto the Third Billy Goat Gruff! The Ginger Bread Man tries and tries to pull the Fox off the Billy Goat by tugging on the Fox’s tail, but that didn’t work. Ginger Bread Man climbs onto Billy Goats back and tries to push the Fox off him, but that doesn’t work. Ginger Bread Man runs deeper through the forest yelling “I’LL BE BACK!” After a couple of minutes he comes racing back with…a little frog. The Fox bursts out laughing “HA HA HA!” The frog wraps his tongue around the Fox’s tail, this time he actually pulss him off! The Ginger Bread Man chases the Fox away “AHHHH” shrieks the Fox sprinting away! The frog chuckles “HE HE HE” The frog hop’s away back into the forest. Ginger Bread Man takes the Billy Goat to the hospital in the forest. They all lived happilly ever after.

By Ellie G 



The Two Friends Adventure

Once upon a time there was a witch that lived in a little cottage at the edge of a forest. She had a magic wand the witch had special place for her wand but one day someone stole the witch’s wand and the witch yelled. Then a voice said “I can help!” the witch was scared then a little dog appeared. The little dog said hi, I am Bugg and said “I know where the wolf is he said the witch was so happy that Bugg showed her where the wolf was her wand but when they got there was a lot of wands but her wand had a star on it just as the witch stepped forward the wolf jumpted on top of the pile of wands and slid down the witch had to distract the wolf so Buff could fly over the wolf and grab the wand and they ran all the way to the little cottage and they lived happily ever after. The end.

By Kaliah B



Little Red Riding Hood

One day Pippin’s mum said “can you give this to Grandma.” “Yes said Pippin and off she went. Soon she came to a forest. She took a deep breath and went into the forest. She met a grey scary Wolf. He said where are you going? She replied “to Grandmas”. The Wolf said “what a kind girl you are”. The Wold ran the short path and told Pippin to go to the other way because it is looong! “Okay” said Pippin and went off. The Wolf came first and knocked at the door. Knock Knock! Then a small old voice replied come in it was Grandma. The Wolf came in and… gobbled her up!!! And went to bed. Then came Pippin and the Wolf tried to eat her too but she screamed and luckily the wood-cutter am and saved everyone. And they lived happily ever after. The end of the story.

By Alissa Y
