
Term four has seen the Junior boarders involved in a wide range of activities including to touch football, league tag, soccer, netball, four-wicket cricket, a botanical garden walk, a Halloween activity, and a visit to PCYC to play a game of Pickleball. Senior boarders have been utilizing the gym to its fullest, looking to keep fit and healthy. Our annual Melbourne fun Cup Sweep also proved to be popular.


We have a jam-packed five weeks coming up for the boards with some great activities and community, with the help of the boarding house student ladders we are organizing some great events to finish off the year well.


Just a reminder to all boarders with the hot weather coming very soon we will need to bring appropriate swimwear and towels, also seniors using the gym will also need to bring a gym towel for your up-and-coming sessions.




Jody Siegwalt |Activities Coordinator