Mission News
Mrs Anna Nasr
Mission News
Mrs Anna Nasr
We pray for the mother of Deanna Lawliss (grandmother of Charlie in Year 12) who died recently. We also pray for the community of Hillbrook College who mourn the loss of principal Maria Woods after a short illness. May Deanna’s mother and Maria Woods rest in peace and may their friends and family be comforted in their grief.
Sunday 5 November 2023 – Matthew 23:1-12
The Greatest Commandment
Addressing the people and his disciples Jesus said, 'The scribes and the Pharisees occupy the chair of Moses. You must therefore do what they tell you and listen to what they say; but do not be guided by what they do: since they do not practise what they preach. They tie up heavy burdens and lay them on men's shoulders, but will they lift a finger to move them? Not they! Everything they do is done to attract attention, like wearing broader phylacteries and longer tassels, like wanting to take the place of honour at banquets and the front seats in the synagogues, being greeted obsequiously in the market squares and having people call them Rabbi.
'You, however, must not allow yourselves to be called Rabbi, since you have only one Master, and you are all brothers. You must call no one on earth your father, since you have only one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor must you allow yourselves to be called teachers, for you have only one Teacher, the Christ. The greatest among you must be your servant. Anyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and anyone who humbles himself will be exalted.'
In Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus criticises the Pharisees for not practicing the Mosaic Law they preach. With the caution to avoid “doing as they do”, Jesus advises the crowd to listen and follow the teachings of the law, to be as students and servants.
To have a stance of learning is to be curious, open, and humble. It is to be a person of service. For Christians, it involves recognising that the greatest mystery and mastery is found in God through Christ, and that faith is a journey towards this origin and promise of love and life.
The Met Opera in New York is currently performing “Dead Man Walking”, the powerful story of a man on death row who is spiritually accompanied by Sr Helen Prejean until his execution by lethal injection. Ryan McKinny, who plays the role of the condemned prisoner, reflects on his experience of taking to the stage night after night. He says:
"[M]aybe it’d been a hard day for me, or my voice isn’t working as well as I wanted it to be, maybe I’m tired. But this audience is here today, and they’re not going to be here tomorrow, and they weren’t here yesterday, and this is the time we have to tell this story. And who knows of these people who will make the difference, that something could change in the future…”
This is the work of education, of our commitment to service and learning and practicing what we preach. It is the effort of showing up each day to one another, our roles and our lives. We are connected in ways we don’t always appreciate, and our actions (even the smallest) matter—they tell our story, they make a difference.
And so we pray: [In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit]
+ Loving God,
You give us each moment
To be people who live not merely by law but by love
Guide us to practice what we teach
To be students of life and of You
Hold us gently in the times we are burdened,
And grant us the courage and humility
To be the joy and light that your Son, Jesus
Called us to be.
Mary Our Good Mother Pray for us
St Marcellin Champagnat Pray for us
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Pray for us
And let us always remember To pray for one another.
Wednesday Morning 8:00am in the College Chapel.
At this Wednesday’s assembly, our College will mark Remembrance Day, an important occasion for students and staff to reflect on the unimaginable scale of loss during the First World War and all wars. With the symbol of the poppy to anchor us, we reflected with sadness and gratitude on those people known and unknown, who have been injured or died defending their country, their freedom and one another. Their sacrifice can never be forgotten. Lest we forget.
The College Christmas Appeal will end this Friday, 10 November.
Whether you choose to contribute with a gift card or make a donation by monitor, please know that all donations will be gratefully received by the college to be given to St Vincent de Paul and Downs & West Community Support.
Gift cards can be handed in at PC group/Primary classrooms.
Donations can be made by the Student Shop or Supporter Shop.
The money and gift cards raised during our Christmas Appeal will help St Vincent de Paul support those struggling with the cost of living as well as Downs and West Community Support, who give practical and pastoral assistance to people in the Western Downs and South Burnett regions affected by drought, flood and other hardships.
Dear Friends of AMS,
Join us at our first ever live crowdfunding Marist Solidarity Fundraiser and End-of Year Gathering. Connect with your Marist friends and enjoy a drink as we raise funds to:
With the support of Marist College Ashgrove and the Ashgrove Old Boys Association and powered by The Funding Network, we can’t wait to make a significant contribution to the lives of young people in need across our region.
DATE: Thursday 23 November
TIME: 5:45pm - 8:00pm
VENUE: The Tower, Marist College Ashgrove
Please reserve your attendance by scanning the QR Code or by contacting our office: ams@marists.org.au, (07) 3354 0600
We welcome any students from Year 7 – 12 who are interested to join our St Vincent de Paul conference. We currently meet Thursdays SECOND break in Room 801.
Thursday morning BBQ
Hungry on a Thursday morning? By purchasing a sausage in bread at our Thursday morning community BBQ, you’ll be supporting our longstanding Vinnies fundraiser. Sausages are available from 7:15am in the main yard. Our current volunteers welcome any newcomers to come along and help out.
The All Abilities Cricket Program began Friday 3 November. The program supports children with disability to develop cricket skills and have fun. Our committed Year 11 volunteers braved the increasingly wet conditions until play was called off. It got very soggy out there!
The program will continue on Friday afternoons 4:00pm-5:00pm until 24 November.
The Auslan course concludes this Wednesday 4.15pm-6.00pm. If you’d like to come to this last session, please drop into the Experimental Theatre.
For more information about Auslan, please visit https://awesomeauslan.com.au/about-us/
Tread Lightly wants your old, unwanted sneakers!
Do you have shoes which look ready for the bin? Don’t throw them out! Drop them off at the Mission Office instead.
For more information on this great initiative, visit: Tread Lightly – Together we can step into a better future (asga.com.au)
The Stationery Aid MATES ministry will continue on Friday mornings in the Mission office for the remainder of term 4 (for Years 5-9).
Give your quality secondhand stationery an incredibly valued second life—don’t bin it at home! Donations can be place in the Stationery Aid bin located outside the Studies office.
For more information visit the Stationery Aid website: https://stationeryaid.org/
Game Changers is a comprehensive Catholic youth ministry program for students in Marist Schools from Years 7-12. journey. These tracks are grounded in the stories of Jesus, Mary, and Marcellin. Participating students are invited to undertake the following tracks across the six year levels, with the focus on each track over two years. Just email mates@marash.qld.edu.au if you are interested in this program or visit the Mission Office.