Communications at TPS


This is a short bulletin published on Mondays on Compass. It contains information about upcoming events for the next two weeks. It also contains important dates in the future to give families advanced notice.

DHUMBAJIRRI "Let's Talk Together"

This is our school newsletter, it focuses on what you child has learnt during the past weeks and other community events taking place at TPS. It will be published in each even week of the term (2,4,6 etc) and is delivered via email and Compass under:

"More>School Favourites>Dhumbadjirri"

Previous Issues can be found here:

Contacting Your Child's Teacher:

During the school day, teachers are with the children and are unavailable for communications. 

  • email via compass or teacher education address e.g.
  • phone call to front office
  • organise a meeting ahead of time.

Teachers may respond via email, follow-up with a phone call or organise a meeting. Teachers will respond promptly during working hours.  

I am a Deadly Community member

How the school will communicate with you:


This is the school's primary form of regular and important communication with parents. Students' academic reports, school updates, class information, etc. is available for 

you on the app.


Please ensure you are set up with an account, by following the provided login details. 



Download the app via your appropriate store, by searching 'Compass School Manager'. 


Download Compass School Manager

Once installed search for "Thornbury Primary School" and login with your above credentials.  


This is a short bulletin published on Mondays on Compass. It contains information about upcoming events for the next two weeks. It also contains important dates in the future to give families advanced notice.

DHUMBAJIRRI "Let's Talk Together"

This is our school newsletter, it focuses on what you child has learnt during the past weeks and other community events taking place at TPS. It will be published in each even week of the term (2,4,6 etc) and is delivered via email and Compass on iNewsletter.


You can subscribe to our school calendar using the below link on our preferred device, this will populate and keep in sync your personal calendar with the TPS Community Calendar.




or it can be accessed via