P&C News 

Recently, groups of awesome humans from Tally participated in the annual Golf Tee Off and crafty night of fun! These two events are organised by the P&C so parents can come together outside of school and catch up whilst doing something they might enjoy. Both these events contained lots of laughs and we would like to thank Artlis Studios and Meadow Park Golf Course for their hospitality.

What’s Coming Up….


Friday 3 November


In the OSHC Building. Join us after drop off!



Thursday 16 November

8:00am - 9:00am

If you have any uniforms to donate, please drop them into the office. This is greatly appreciated. Sign up to volunteer will be available closer to the date.


Right now, we are looking to find our next Tally Prosperity Partners! The interest in these partnerships has been growing in popularity and give local businesses the chance to tap into all our events and social platforms.


If you think this could be you in 2024, please email us on tallebudgerapandc@gmail.comfor more information.


Thank you to our Tally community for their continued support.



Lucy Pritchard

P&C President