Principal's Report 

Zoe Harlow











World Teachers Day / Staff Appreciation Day - 27 October 2023 


This Friday, we mark our annual celebration of ‘Staff Appreciation Day’ with students.  We acknowledge staff appreciation as one team, rather than different days for different employee groups, because we recognise that every member of our team has an important role to play in our success.  We are one team, united to make a positive difference for our students. 


On Friday, students will be given the opportunity to write certificates of appreciation for staff members of their choice and these will be displayed on the walls near our tuckshop. I invite you to express your appreciation to staff members on that day too if you would like to (e.g. send a note, write an email, send a Dojo message).   


Personally, I am incredibly grateful to Team Tally for their care, enthusiasm and dedication!  Not only are they outstanding at their work, they are wonderful to work with.  Thank you to Team Tally for everything they do to help children to thrive! 



Australian Mathematics Competition 


Last term, selected students in years 4 ,5 and 6 participated in the Australian Maths Competition.  Well done to all children who participated and congratulations to the following children who received awards: 


High Distinction - Ayden Russell 

Distinction – Max Adams, Noah Campbell. Zac Gornall, Harrison Luke, Josh Ellwood, Julian Shortreed, Hamish Dunstan, Jayden New, Baxter Porsch 

Credit – Cruz Cliffe, James Cole, Scarlet Cullum Wherrit, Sophie Eddy, Baylen Holland, Eve O'Dea, Albert Pruss, Amelia Turnbull, Ethan Webb, Liam Cantrell, Jamie Derksema, Jarvis Foster, Liam Redmond, Charlie Rutherford, Isaiah Campbell, Eden Harris 


A huge thank you for Mrs Katrina Quirke for supporting and inspiring these Mathematicians by running Maths Club and our other Team Tally teachers who assist.  Katrina is an expert teacher of Mathematics who plays a very important role in our school, contributing to the changes we make to improve our teaching of Mathematics. 



Active School Travel 


Last Friday, 20 October we hosted the final Active School Travel breakfast for the year.  It was a lovely morning and great to have lots of families participating.  We are very pleased to be part of this initiative in partnership with the Gold Coast City Council and thanks to our school community's involvement, there are fewer cars on the road at drop off and pick up times.   


Thank you to Tallebudgera Lion's Club, 19th Avenue Woolworths and the Gold Coast City Council for supporting this program!  Thank you also to Team Tally staff who volunteer to run our Active School Travel events! 



Dignity Vending Machine 


We have recently installed a Dignity Vending Machine in the upper school unisex toilets.  Dignity Vending Machines provide students with free access to period products.  We consider this to be an important initiative, ensuring that no student is without the sanitary products they need due to financial reasons.   



Sensational Sock Day - FUNraiser 


Reminder, Sensational Sock Day is next  Friday, 3 November.  This is purely for fun and children are welcome to wear sensational socks (e.g. coloured, patterned, decorated) with their uniform on that day.  We love our FUNraisers! 



School Validation 


We are looking forward to welcoming visitors to our school next week who will be helping us to finalise our school-led review through a validation process.  We do an extensive review of our school every four years to inform the development of our next strategic plan.  This is always an exciting juncture, as we set our direction to maintain the things that are special about our school and continue our improvement work. 



Zoe Harlow
