End of Year Concert

End of Year Concert
It’s less than a month until our end of year Christmas Concert on Wednesday, 6th December!
Students have begun practising their year level songs in their classrooms and some have been practising in their Performing Arts sessions.
On the night, students will be required to meet their teacher at 5:45pm for a 6:00pm start. Parents are invited to bring picnic rugs and chairs to watch the concert on the Hard Courts. The KPA will also be holding a sausage sizzle from 4:30 PM plus Bang On Barista will be onsite selling coffee. KPA will be seeking volunteers to help with the sale of sausages and food.
Important - If you know that your child will be unable to attend on that night, please let their classroom teacher know as soon as possible. This will allow us to coordinate places etc, though they are more than welcome to join in the fun practising with their class before the big day.
Wear Christmas colours and bring your good-cheer!