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On Friday, Year 10 marked the end of their junior high school experience with a special Celebration Assembly. The students also celebrated completing Year 10 with a formal dinner at The Butterfactory which was organised by parents.
Congratulations Year 10!
Please keep these young people in your prayers over the coming weeks as they commence their seniors studies.
Our Year 6 students, along with 18 new students enjoyed getting to know secondary school at their Year 7 Orientation Day held last Thursday.
The day included some exciting activities, including Search and Destry English with Mr Cowley, FUNdamentals of Geometry with Mr Clarke and a History lesson which involved analysing poo from the past with Mrs Halliday. The Year 6 students also had the opportunity to get to know their new Year Advisor, Mrs Rogers.
At lunchtime, everyone enjoyed a sausage sizzle and then in the afternoon the students participated in an Orienteering activity with Miss Bignell.
Thanks to all the staff who made the day a success, we are looking forward to having Year 6 join our secondary school next year!
The primary concert band tutors made a special visit to year 3 to demonstrate the range of instruments on offer for the concert band learners' program for next year. Year 3 students learnt about how the instruments produce their distinct sounds, and how different notes are achieved by lengthening the amount of instrument the sound travels through.
It was especially entertaining to have Chelsea and Amelia from Year 5 come in and play their award winning rendition of “Toccata” from the Shoalhaven Eisteddfod. Amelia and Chelsea were able to answer questions about their instruments, the flute and clarinet. Amelia did a wonderful job filling in for Mrs Elliston, who was unable to be at the demonstration.
Mr Drury and Mr Skues showed students the brass family instruments, trombone and trumpet. Some very clever Year 3 students correctly pointed out that the bugle is like a trumpet without the valves. The rising gliss sounds and meme “wah, wah” sounds of the trombone were well received.
Mrs Walton showed her mastery of the clarinet and saxophone with an array of earthy low sounds to some heavenly high notes.
Students were invited to come up to the tutors and students and to feel the weight and physical attributes of the instruments. Unfortunately sharing mouthpieces has always been a health issue, so they were not able to blow through the instruments. Despite this the students were very vocal about what they could do when they learnt the instruments.
The sign up form is available on the NCS website. Apply by clicking on the link below, there you will find a link for Year 4 and also if you are going into year 5-6 and have not learnt an instrument before, you are still welcome to apply.
We are really looking forward to expanding the band next year with the inclusion of saxophone to the learner program and inviting students who have learnt percussion (drums, timpani, whistles, bells), bass guitar, and mallet percussion (piano) to join the primary school concert band.
Matt Drury
Co-curricular Music Coordinator
Year 8 were treated to a day of Medieval fun and learning. We started with an interactive demonstration of weapons and clothing from James Adams Enterprises. Student comments were that it was funny and engaging. We then had lessons making catapults and completing our own illuminated manuscripts. This was followed by a medieval banquet where we feasted on medieval pottage, chicken, bread and 'mead', and were entertained by the stage 5 Drama Shakespearean revelers. The final activity was a massive castle-building competition where both classes did amazing work recreating Medieval castles with a variety of features such as creating moving drawbridges. They then tested their castles' strength against a bombardment of cannon fire (basketballs).
Colour Poems from 4B
Blue is
Blue is the colour of the sea
the colour of the sky, rain and me.
Blue tastes like blueberries, bitter and sweet
Like exotic raspberries.
Blue looks like the things in my dreams
and calming blankets on me.
Blue feels like slimy fish scales and the pencil
In my hand.
Blue sounds like saltwater
waves crashing over me.
Blue smells like heavy rain on grass and blueberry candle scents.
Blue is the colour of the sea, the colour of sky, rain and me.
by Bethany D. 4B
Yellow is the colour of soft sand
The colour of giraffes, bananas and lemons
Yellow tastes like cheese cake falling apart in my mouth.
Yellow looks like the sun on a beautiful, hot day
Yellow feels like a soft cat sleeping in the warm sunshine.
Yellow sounds like singing birds early in the morning.
Yellow smells like fresh pizza cooking on a stove.
by Heidi E. 4B
Is the colour of water.
The colour of sky, birds and rain.
Blue tastes like salty blueberries in my mouth.
Blue looks like rain drops on the roof.
Blue feels like soft silky water running through my fingers.
Blue sounds like birds chirping happily.
Blue smells like sour sky.
Blue is the colour of water
The colour of sky, birds and rain
by Lachlan H. 4B
Our amazing students of the week for weeks 2, 3, 4 & 5 were: Week 2 - Noah K for perseverance and effort. Week 3 - Greyson B for some great improvements in effort and behaviour. Week 4 - Heidi M who has shown diligence, commitment to a range of school activities, and some great improvement in building relationships. Week 5 - Ebony L who has shown consistent diligence, respect, perseverance, and amazing personal growth.
It's great to see these young people growing in maturity and character. Well done to these amazing Year 7 students.