Championing the Diverse Needs of Our Students: Learning Support in Secondary

Sharon O'Connor - Learning Support Coordinator

As we navigate the final weeks of the 2023 academic year, it is my pleasure to shed light on the rewarding work of the Secondary Learning Support team. At DCC we exist so that our students, at the end of their learning journey with us are filled with the passion and the skills to use their God-given abilities to make a difference. Within the Learning Support team, this mission continues to be central to all that we say and do, and we consider it our purpose to champion the diverse needs of our students with additional learning needs.


Our mission is to provide a stimulating learning environment where every student, regardless of their unique learning needs, can flourish. We seek to walk alongside our families and students to acknowledge the challenges and celebrate the successes, even when situations become complex.


The heart of our Learning Support program lies in its personalised approach. Our learning support students are known by name. Our dedicated team; Hannah, Rebecca, Laura, Penny, Emily, Naomi, Eleanor, Chloe, Louise, Georgia, Mariki, Hannah R, Jackson, Jake, David, Nga, Caeley and Hannah J work collaboratively with students, parents and teachers, to identify, monitor and review the individual needs of each student. 


You will see our Learning Support staff in classrooms, on yard duty, on school camps, at the farm, in the library, in staff rooms, on the down ball court, on excursions, at assemblies, at house carnivals and on the CAW stage. Our learning support team is immersed in the life of the school. Accessing our learning support team is not an isolating experience, rather, it’s a normal part of school life.


We know that supporting a child's learning journey extends well beyond the classroom, that’s why our team is where our students are! We also recognise that our families are an integral part in this framework of support. Participating in Student Support Group meetings is one of the most rewarding aspects of my new role. The opportunity to reconnect with so many students and their families since they commenced their journey in Year 7 at DCC (where I was the Year 7 Transition Coordinator) is such an honour.  To be known, within safe and trusting relationships, builds confidence and independence in our students and I consider it a true privilege to be a part of this team.


As we farewell the Class of 2023 and particularly our learning support students, we take joy in celebrating their messy moments and their tidy triumphs. Every milestone achieved by our students in the learning support program is a testament to the power of love, faith, determination, and commitment to the learning process – especially when it asked hard things of them. Through perseverance and dedication, we witnessed transformations that go beyond academics, and ultimately develops character. Our team continues to be shaped by the rich contributions that each student leaves us with.


As we look ahead to the rest of the academic year, our team’s commitment to providing exceptional learning support remains unwavering. We continue to remain abreast of current educational research and strategies, engaging in professional development opportunities that continue to support our students.  


Armed with our newfound learning, we look forward with enthusiasm to further collaboration with students, teachers, and parents on this journey of growth and discovery…along with a few games of downball, a camp or two and the celebration of a few mini joys in the HUB!