Primary Life

Year 6 Swimming

Harry Foster - Year 6 Team Leader


We are thrilled to share an exciting milestone in our Year 6 students' journey – their inaugural swimming experience! 


This year marked the very first time our Year 6 students took the plunge into the world of swimming, and it was a remarkable adventure filled with joy, learning, and aquatic discoveries, in what we know to be an important life skill.


The progress our Year 6 students made during their swimming lessons was nothing short of astounding. Many of them began as novices, but through determination and the guidance of the skilled instructors, they developed greater confidence. 


While learning was at the forefront, our Year 6 students also had a blast during their swimming adventures. Laughter echoed through the pool area as they engaged in friendly games and as they relished their newfound aquatic skills.


Year 3 Camp

Susan Clements - Year 3 Camp Coordinator


Gale force winds and torrential rain did nothing to dampen the spirits of 102 excited Year 3s spilling out of the buses at Mill Valley Ranch! 


It was an action-packed camp with plenty of new experiences ranging from archery and horse-riding, to cooking damper over hot coals and navigating the Low Ropes course. 

As one happy camper commented afterwards, “I barely had time to feel homesick!” 

Year 4 Poetry Incursion

Josh Turnbull - Year 4 Coordinator


This week Year 4 students were introduced to their writing topic of Poetry. We had the talented author, performer and presenter Cam Semmens come and help launch our topic. He introduced students to the understanding of poetry and how language is used within the topic. 

Students were able to write a poem about something that they had seen or experienced. Using a simple structure, students were challenged about the words that they use and were encouraged to be more creative in their approach. Students learnt about various poetry devices such as alliteration and rhyme. 


This was an excellent way for students to continue their journey with this genre. It assisted them to overcome some preconceptions about poetry and to think broadly about the word choices that they make. It opened their eyes to the possibilities of captivating an audience in a different way.