Maths News…
Mr Reiter
Maths News…
Mr Reiter
In Term 3, 26 students in grade 3/4 and 28 students in grade 5/6 students competed in the Australian Maths Competition. All students should be commended for participating in the event, and challenging themselves in this way.
The results are in!
Students received their certificates last week at Assembly.
The following students received a Distinction or High Distinction.
Distinction: A Distinction certificate is awarded to a student who has not received a higher award but is in the top 20% (25% for Senior) of their year and region.
Grade 3 - Hugo Cao Smith
Grade 3 – Eugenie Low
Grade 4 – Odin Douglas
Grade 4 – Oscar Li
Grade 4 – Zachariah Narangala
Grade 4 – Sebastien Savrimoutou
Grade 5 – Samanyu Ligade
Grade 5 – Aloysius Ling
Grade 5 – Luke Sawyers
Grade 5 – Jian Zhou Tan
Grade 6 – Maya Folkens
Grade 6 – You Xun Fong
Grade 6 – Jasper Shou
Grade 6 – Lauren Tan
Grade 6 – Laura Theodorlis
High Distinction: A High Distinction certificate is awarded to a student who has not received a higher award but is in the top 3% of their year and region (top 5% for Senior).
Grade 3 – Isaac Tan
Grade 5 – Caleb Burt
Grade 6 – Aliya Narangala
Congratulations to Aliya Narangala, who received the Best in School Award. This is an outstanding accomplishment which recognises the student with the highest AMC score in the school.
Next year, all students in grades 3-6 will once again be offered the chance to participate in both the Kangourou sans Frontières (KSF) and the Australian Maths Competition (AMC).
Once again, we would like to congratulate all students how participated this year.