1/2 News…

BREAKING NEWS... The 1/2's Chairs Quit!
This week the 1/2's were introduced to persuasive writing, in a interesting way. Their chairs left them a letter reading:
Dear 1/2 Students,
We’ve stacked ourselves up so don’t even think about touching us!
We just CANNOT take it any longer. We all agree we’re going on STRIKE!
For 5 days a week we have to endure you lot treating us like you just don’t care!
From Monday to Friday we put with you STINKY children rocking backwards and forwards on our legs. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE THAT? HUH?! We feel sick by the end of the day!
Every day we see your teacher asking you to stop… BUT DO YOU? NO!!
Not to mention those heavy chair bags that you keep filling with paper and other random objects that aren’t supposed to be in there… those are heavy, you know!?
You leave us feeling cold and lonely when you move away from the table and forget to push us in! Then people trip over us and hurt themselves and it is somehow OUR fault?? We don’t think so!
Lastly, we spend all day with you bouncing up and down on us or putting your feet on our seats when they are supposed to be on the floor.
So today, you are all going to have to do your work without us and realise how much you need us!
We want an apology letter immediately and you have to persuade us as to why we should return to our tables. Be warned… we have spoken to the tables and if we don’t get our letters, they’ve said THEY WILL BE NEXT!
Your angry friends,
The Chairs
Each student wrote a letter convincing their chair to come back! They included why they needed their chair back, and an apology to the chairs promising they will treat them better from now on! The chairs accepted their apology and are now safe with their tables.
Science Day
We were so excited to learn all about different sciences, and dress up as something related to science. The Junior Classes had a parade to show off their creative costumes. We saw some mad scientists, doctors, zoologists and elements of the periodic table. Even our teachers were captured by some outer space aliens.
We watched an amazing science show, with experiments about air, electricity and fire.