Deputy Principal

Mr Cameron Drew - Deputy Principal Year 8

The end of term is fast approaching and there has been huge success in so many areas of the school across the term. I would like to congratulate our students on how they have contributed to themselves, the school and the community. As we move through the Leadership process, it is so wonderful to see and hear how our students want to give back to the school. There are so many great student leaders and while not everyone can hold a leadership position, every student can show leadership in their everyday school life – the Year 8s proved this while on camp in Week 6 and 7. In saying that, I wish all the students who have applied for a leadership position the very best in the process.


As we roll into the winter months it is important for our students to remember to bring their school jumper. While the winter sun is lovely and warm in Brisbane, there are cool spots and the wind can pick up, so please remind your child to back their school jumper in the morning. If they forget, they are welcome to see a Head of Year at the uniform room before school, just as they would for any other uniform item. Students are not to wear a non-school jumper.


It isn’t just winter that happens at this time of term, but it also means assessment period is here. Please encourage your child to review their work, look at their assessment dates and plan accordingly. It is important that students plan out their study to ensure they balance school work along with all the other commitments they may have.


Term 3 will be another big term. There are few key dates that need to be locked into your calendars for next term. Some of these include:

  • Subject Information Evening (Year 8, 9, 10 students and families) – 11 July
  • Athletics Day – 19 July
  • Parent-Teacher-Student Interview (online) – 23 July
  • Year 9 Gala Day – 9 August
  • EKKA Public Holiday – 14 August
  • Year 10 SET Plans – 15 and 16 August
  • Year 8 Activities Day – 21 August
  • Year 12 Mock Exam Block – 26 August to 6 September
  • Year 11 Exam Block – 2 September to 13 September


Thank you again to our student body and school community for the Term 2 so far and all the best for last couple of weeks.