Autism Inclusion Teacher

Miss Rachel Phillips

What is the Autism Inclusion Role?


AIT's are given time each week in their AIT role to focus on strengthening our school community's inclusion of students on the autism spectrum. 


The Department for Education provides an Autism Inclusion Multidisciplinary (AIM) team to support them in their AIT role (Primary and Secondary respectively). The team includes senior advisor educators, a developmental educator, a psychologist, an occupational therapist, a speech pathologist and an Aboriginal Cultural Project Officer. The information from the AIM team is evidence-based and informed by the autisic and autism community. 


Their role as an AIT is to pass on information, resources and training they receive from the AIM team to other staff in our school. 


Rachel Phillips is our AIT and she shares information to our community based on the current focus within our site context. 


Please see the below information regarding the AIT role.