Community News 

The services and events contained in Community News are in no way connected with the school and are included for your information only. We strongly recommend that parents and caregivers make their own enquiries and assessments about the suitability of these events and services for their children.

Australian Sports Clinics Term 2 Holidays

School of Languages



As part of the government’s Languages in Schools initiative, the School of Languages has expanded the across-sector R-6 Languages Alive! program. The July 2024 program will provide students with interactive language learning opportunities in a range of languages, including Auslan, Chinese, German, Hindi, Japanese & Spanish.


WHEN/WHERE:               Tuesday 9 & Wednesday 10 July at School of Languages (West Croydon)

Thursday 11 July at Stirling East Primary School 

Friday 12 July at Alberton Primary School

Tuesday 16 July at Belair Primary School


COST:                                 $10 per student per day; School Card/Health Care Card Holders: FREE


To register for tickets go to:



Play Start Soccer

Saver Plus 

Statewide Inclusive Education Services (SIES)


City of Teach Tree Gully - School Holidays activities at the Library


Nature Play - things to do in Winter 

Please find attached some exciting things from Nature Play SA for 'Things to do in Winter' during the upcoming school holidays.


Think U Know - Cyber Safety resources