Sustainability at OGPS

Sustainability at OGPS

 SLC Garden Area Working Bee

Sunday June 2nd (9am – 1pm)

Thank you!

The working bee completed on Sunday 2nd June was a smashing success.  Thank you to all families that came out on the day to progress our SLC gardening area.

Parents and kids were amazing in firing up the wheelbarrows, shovels and rakes.


What was done

The aim of this working bee was to get some key jobs done to get our SLC gardening area ready for the kids to commence planting.  What was achieved on the day included;

  • Movement of 10 cubic metres of donated loam from Manheere Bros (thanks Matt and the team) into our garden beds.
  • Creation of one final garden bed (thanks Mr Kev you legend).
  • Clearing and removal of rubbish and material to make the area safe.
  • Cladding of the entry gate (great work Simon B).
  • Setting up of compost bins and lining the base to keep out pesky rodents (thanks Emma).

Next steps (Community support in bold)

To get the area ready for use we still need to do the following - we will calling for some further support and donations to get this going.

  • Clearing of space near retaining wall and back filling with gravel to create a sitting / learning zone for classes and the kids to sit in the area.
  • Clearing of area in northwest corner for orchard trees.
  • For these two jobs we will be calling for support with anyone with a small excavator to help clear the space.
  • Mulching of garden spaces and prep for planting of citrus and fruit trees – we will be looking for leaf mulch donations.
  • Setting up a plant registry for families to be able to purchase trees.
  • Start composting and planting of veges .

We will arrange another Planting Day Working Bee when ready to plant – a chance to get the kids at the school to plant trees that will last a generation



Resource Smart School Audit Day - May 31st


Last week, our school community—comprised of parents, students, and teachers—engaged in the Resource Smart School Energy and Water Audits. These audits serve the purpose of evaluating our current energy and water systems, allowing us to move forward for improvements. Our sustainability leaders, alongside Ms. Earle, Ms. Bradbury, and Ms. Keating, will collaborate to develop an action plan aimed at making positive changes for our environment through efficient energy and water management.


Thank you to all those who were involved. We have some exciting times ahead.




Container Disposal Scheme!

We're excited to share that Ocean Grove Primary School is now an eligible charity under the CDS Vic West program. Any donations received will go towards our ongoing efforts to foster a greener and more environmentally conscious school community. Your support will directly contribute to initiatives promoting sustainability education and implementing eco-friendly practices within our school. Together, we can make a positive impact on our environment and instil important values in our students. Please take a moment to review the instructions below on how you can contribute to our cause.