Parent Information

Families are welcome to these rocks.
Located in the garden area. đ
Premiersâ Reading Challenge 2024
The Premiersâ Reading Challenge is now open to all students interested in participating! The Challenge encourages children and students to read a set number of books over the year and record their efforts online.Â
Foundation to Year 2
All students from F-2 have been registered to complete it as a class. Teachers will record any books they read with their class and we will upload these for each class before the challenge ends. Students in F-2 can still complete the challenge at home too if they wish, they will just need their username and password to log their books.
- Number of books: 30
- Number of books from the Challenge book list: 20 or more
Year 3 to Year 6
Students in 3-6 can complete the challenge at home if they want to participate, they will just need their username and password.
- Number of books: 15
- Number of books from the Challenge book list: 10 or more
Most of the books your child reads should be from the Challenge book lists. The rest can be any book they choose. Â Students in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 can read books by themselves or with someone else. Students can read books on the book list for their year level or a level above and they'll count towards their challenge total.Â
If you wish to complete the challenge at home please message your childâs classroom teacher for login details and go to the website:Â Simply enter your childâs login details and start adding books.
Students have until the 6th September to complete the challenge. Â Happy reading!
Sally Rocke and Megan Lowery
PRC Coordinators 2024Â
COGG Children's Week
The City of Greater Geelongâs 2024-25 Childrenâs Week are now open.Â
Hosting an event provides a great opportunity for families to engage and connect with services and each other, and for organisations to increase their reach and membership.Â
If you are interested in learning more about the grants, and need help on how to complete the application forms we are offering an online information session on Thursday 13th June between 1:30-2:30pm
Click on the link below to register:-
Childrens Week Information Session (
Alternatively,for more information, the grant guidelines and start an application, visit
Or contact our grants team at call on 5272 5560.
Grant applications close 5pm, Monday 24 June 2024.Â