Religious Education
While they were eating, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, gave it to them, and said, "Take it; this is my body."
Mark 14:22
This Sunday the gospel focuses on The Body and Blood of Christ. We reflect on the traditions that Jesus left us with so we are able to remember him. We are reminded of the importance of celebrating the Eucharist and how it can enrich our lives.
Sacramental Program
Families who have not sent their preference of weekend to Fr Martin for celebration dates please do so ASAP.
Mass attendance weeks are:
June 1/2, 8/9 15/16, 22/23
*Children need to attend 3 Masses in this time.
Celebration dates are:
July 20/21, 27/28
Aug 3/4, 10/11 at the Church at any weekend Masses you choose.
Enrolment forms have been sent out for Confirmation. There is a lot of important information on this. If your child did not receive a form and believe they are eligible please email Rikki.