Student Celebrations
Celebrating many things that our students have achieved
Student Celebrations
Celebrating many things that our students have achieved
Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.
PA | Evie H | For your commitment and engagement during class conversations. Evie, your dedication and focus to each and every learning experience is outstanding. What a star! |
PB | The whole of Prep B | For the amazing amount of resilience you have shown in adapting to the changes happening in Prep B these past 4 weeks. I have loved getting to know you all. I wish you all the best. Britt. |
PC | Oscar M | For being an amazing role model to your peers. Oscar, you always show the expected behaviours in Prep C and I absolutely love being your teacher! |
PD | Valentine U | For consistently putting her best effort into all that she does. Valentine, I am so impressed with how well you focus and put your best effort into your independent work. Keep it up! |
PE | Piper H | For working so hard to stretch out words and record the sounds when writing sentences. Piper, the effort you show in your learning is fantastic. Keep up the amazing work! |
1A | Neema N | For your wonderful efforts in coming to the floor and showing your whole body listening. You are often seen putting your hand up to engage in class discussions. I loved your confidence when reading aloud our ‘big book’ to the class. Keep up the great effort, Neema! |
1B | Evie B | For your amazing Fascinating Fact presentation! Evie, you spoke confidently, clearly and taught us so many interesting facts about Bali. We were fascinated! Well done you superstar! |
1C | Fabrizia V | For being a wonderful member of 1C! Fabrizia, you are always sharing interesting ideas when we learn as a class and you always put in your best effort with your work. You are an absolute superstar! Well done! |
1D | Felix D | For your interesting and fun Fascinating Facts presentation! Felix, you taught the whole class so many things about hurricanes and had everybody wanting to ask you questions. Well done superstar, you should be so proud of yourself! |
2A | Mia F | For consistently demonstrating our Wembley values and being a fantastic role model to your peers. Mia, your effort and focus in class does not go unnoticed. Thank you for your hard work and keep it up! |
2B | Zara A | For giving her best effort in all of her learning, Zara is so kind to her peers and a pleasure to have at Wembley Primary School. We all love Zara and are so proud of her. Also, great job on your Fascinating Fact presentation! |
2C | Max H | For his fantastic use of a variety of strategies to solve addition problems. Well done, Max! Keep up the great work! |
2D | Frank J | For the fantastic effort you have been applying in class. Frank, you have done a wonderful job at sharing clever answers with the class and have worked very hard in your writing this week! Well done and keep it up, you’re a star! |
3A | Raja E | For creating a wonderful writing piece and using text patterning to add detail to your sentences. Keep up the fantastic work and effort! |
3B | Ava N | For demonstrating an outstanding approach to her school life and showing her best efforts at all times. Ava, you are rapidly achieving your goals and setting a fantastic example for your peers. Keep it up legend! |
3C | Kisa L | Kisa, you continuously display our Wembley Values and are a great role model to your peers. You should be very proud of all of your outstanding efforts with your learning. Keep up the fantastic work!!! |
3D | Nico E | For your amazing efforts in writing this week. You worked well in a small group, using our mentor text to create an interesting and engaging story about a cat and mouse. Well done, Nico. Keep up the great work! |
4A | Charlotte G | For building your knowledge and opinion through our Synthesising work, and then articulately and confidently sharing that knowledge with your classmates. Great work, Charlotte. Keep it up! |
4B | Keira W | For her increased focus and application to all her school work. Keira, it's so wonderful to see you trying so hard to be the best you can possibly be. I am so proud of your efforts and you should be too. Congratulations and keep up the hard work! |
4C | Megan H | For the incredible focus and determination she applies to all of her learning. Megan listens carefully during our mini-lessons and is quick to begin her activities. She takes pride in completing her work to a high standard and works independently on her tasks. Megan, thank you for being a model learner in our classroom - keep it up! |
4D | Angus B | For demonstrating respectful behaviour, supporting his peers and for staying focused on his learning. Angus, I’m incredibly proud of the effort you have put in over the past week. Keep up your amazing work buddy! |
5A | Sienna G
| For making fantastic choices around her learning and maintaining focus on her writing. Amazing work Sienna, keep it up! |
5B | Neo Z | For an increased effort, focus and leadership in the classroom this week. Neo, you have demonstrated your ability to be resilient, have a growth mindset and help your peers during learning time this week. These are traits that are going to be very important for you as you grow older and become more independent. Well done and keep up the great work! |
5C | Hugo C | For your outstanding commitment towards your learning. You always try your best to improve your work and show your Wembley Values. Your positive mindset helps you overcome any challenge in the classroom or in the yard. I'm really proud of all the effort you are putting into your learning and to be the best person you can be. Keep it up, legend! |
5D | Adeline G | For showing excellent levels of behaviour and effort every day. Your dedication to growing your learning has been wonderful to see. Congratulations Adie on a fantastic semester! |
6A | Matthew N | For your efforts in all your school work over the past week Matthew! You have shown focus and attention to both your literacy and numeracy goals and you have made a lot of progress through hard work. Keep it up, Matthew! |
6B | Henry S | For working hard towards your maths goals. Henry, you’ve shown patience, determination and a growth mindset with each numeracy task this week. Keep on being the best version of yourself! Very proud of you, Henry! |
6C | Leah N | For her mature approach to learning and consistently producing high quality work. Leah takes great pride in all set tasks and her dedication and commitment should be commended. Super effort! Well done Leah! |
PA | Louis S | For your insightful and thoughtful contributions during class conversations. Louis, the connections you make through our learning experiences shows what a great listener you are. Well done, you really are a Prep A Superstar! |
PB | Daniel C | For the bravery you have demonstrated in all that you do! Daniel, we are so proud of how you have persisted through change and given everything a go. Well done Daniel! |
PC | Stefan K | For the amazing graph you created during Maths this week! Stefan, you followed the instructions beautifully to create work I know you were so proud of! I am so proud of you! |
PD | Ava T | For your amazing efforts in SMARTwords this week. I am so impressed with how much resilience you have shown and the effort you have put into trying all our new words. Keep it up superstar! |
PE | Evelyn S | For the amazing effort that you put into your writing. It is so lovely to hear your voice come through in each piece you write. You are a Prep E superstar! |
1A | Bill G | For his wonderful efforts in writing an information report on butterflies. You included lots of detailed facts about the lifecycle of butterflies that you had taken in from reading. Keep up the great work! |
1B | Toby M | For your always impressive effort in Writing. Toby, you work exceptionally hard and have written some wonderful Quick Writes and narratives this week. Keep it up you superstar! |
1C | Maisie S | For her interesting leads in writing! Maisie, you always start your writing with sentences that make the reader excited about what is going to happen next! Keep up your wonderful work! |
1D | Eleanor P | For your effort and growth mindset in Writing this term. Eleanor, you have worked so hard in writing to create exciting and entertaining stories with beautiful handwriting and great pictures! Keep up the amazing work superstar! |
2A | Charlotte P | For her amazing research and presentation skills displayed during Fascinating Facts. Charlotte, your effort and hard work are obvious when you wow us with your interesting information! Keep up the amazing work. |
2B | Tegan N | For always being so empathetic towards her friends, Tegan always offers support when her peers are feeling sad and demonstrates all our school values everyday. She is a delight to teach! |
2C | Lottie P | For your fantastic effort in class. Lottie, you consistently show such respect to everyone in 2C and work very hard in every lesson. We are so glad that you have come to Wembley! |
2D | Kip P | For your phenomenal effort in class. Kip, your attitude towards learning is outstanding, as you always take on new challenges. Your fascinating facts presentation was incredible, the class learnt so much from you! Well done superstar, keep it up! |
3A | Xavier P | For your wonderful attitude towards your learning and always being a great role model to your peers. Xavier, your narrative writing piece was detailed and creative. Keep up the great work ! |
3B | Noah L | For demonstrating outstanding engagement and listening intently for instructions. Noah, your dedication toward tasks and resilience to set a new goal is something to be admired. Keep it up legend! |
3C | Harper G | For being such a kind and considerate peer to those around you. Harper, you showed wonderful values the other day helping out a student on your table and encouraging them to complete a task. Thank you for your constant positivity in our classroom. |
3D | Dion Z | For your amazing efforts during writing this week. You are gaining confidence in yourself as a writer, working on your goals and creating texts that are wonderful to read. Well done and keep up the great work! |
4A | Sam Q | For planning, drafting, editing and beginning to publish an entertaining and creative narrative. Sam, the humour in your writing piece shows your voice as an author perfectly. It was great to read! Keep up the good work. |
4B | Isaac P | For planning, drafting, editing and revising two great writing pieces this week. Your hard work and application isn't going unnoticed, Isaac. Keep up the great work! |
4C | Scarlett G | For the resilience and determination she displayed at Hoop Time. Although there were some concerns after Scarlett’s injury earlier in the year, she showed great courage by taking part in the competition and giving 100% effort in the games. Congratulations Scarlett on your persistence and amazing performance! |
4D | Emily A | For showing outstanding courage and resilience in the Hooptime basketball competition! Emily, you inspired your teammates and were able to overcome challenges with great determination. Well done on demonstrating such great sportsmanship, you’re a superstar! |
5A | Ragnar N | For his diligent and responsible approach to his digital technology role. Well done Ragnar, you have carried out your role as digital monitor amazingly, with diligence and always with a smile! Thank you so much for all that you do, it is very much appreciated! |
5B | Kaiden T | For your fantastic work ethic that you have displayed in reading, writing and maths this week. Kaiden, you have worked really hard recently to reach your goals, and complete all of your classwork. You are having a really amazing year, and should be very, very proud of yourself. Well done! |
5C | Romy P | For your outstanding attitude and effort after returning from holidays. Although you missed two weeks of school, you have had a really positive mindset every day since coming back! I've really enjoyed helping you catch up on some of the things you missed because you always listen carefully and try your best! Welcome back, superstar! |
5D | Nessie T | For being a dedicated learner who always strives to give your best effort. I have been so impressed by the positive attitude you show every day. Congratulations Nessie on a fantastic semester! |
6A | ||
6B | Lana B | For your compassion and diligence with your learning. Lana, you complete every task to the best of your abilities and continue to show empathy towards your peers to help them master their work as well. Thank you for being such a team player in 6B. We are truly lucky to have you! |
6C | Frankie D | For always showing respect and being a courteous student. Her kind and caring nature has helped to create a positive learning environment where her peers feel safe and welcomed. Well done Frankie! |
Student Newsletter acknowledgements
We LOVE to hear about student achievements outside of school. If there are any acknowledgements that parents/students wish to share with us and can be celebrated with our wider community, we ask that you email us at with the student/s name/s, a summary of the acknowledgement and any photos that you would be comfortable sharing and we will aim to include it in our fortnightly WPS newsletter.