A Message from Vassie 

Vassie Vatsilas-D'Arcangelo - Principal


We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land, the Wurundjeri, Woi Wurrung and Boonwurrung Peoples of the Kulin Nation and pay our respect to their Elders, past, present and emerging. Aboriginal people have a deep and continuous connection to the place now called Victoria. Aboriginal people have lived in the Maribyrnong River valley for over 40,000 years.

Welcome to week six of term two! Throughout the past fortnight we have had many wonderful celebrations at Wembley Primary School, with Education Week, Education Support Staff (ES) Day, Mothers day stall, and Special Persons morning, district athletics, IDAHOBIT Day, 3/4 Hooptime Basketball, professional practice days, our preps first excursion to the farm, prep chicks arriving, WPA AGM, School Council Meeting, Breakfast Club in full swing, and significant progress in the Capital Works Building Project. 

Education Week

Thank you to the families who were able to attend our Education Week Open Morning on Friday 17 May. It was wonderful to see parents, grandparents and siblings visit classes to showcase the remarkable learning and teaching at Wembley PS. 

Last week was Education Week! The theme this year is 'Spotlight on STEM', which highlights the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in our everyday lives, in the classroom and beyond. The purpose of Education Week is to celebrate and showcase the great work happening across the state in primary schools.

We thank the parents and carers that came to our open morning this morning, where our wonderful students and remarkable staff members showcased engaging learning and teaching opportunities!

Parent reminder around Respect

I would like to take this opportunity to remind our community about the importance of respect of all community members. 

School principals have received a pre-recorded short video message from Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Hon. Ben Carroll MP, which he has asked us to pass on to parents and carers, about the importance of the second school term for learning, along with a few helpful reminders.

It contains an acknowledgement of all school leaders, teachers and support staff for their efforts to deliver a high standard of public education. 

It also contains a message reminding students and parents about mobile phone usage in schools. This more so pertains to secondary settings, however this is still relevant to primary school settings regarding personal use of devices including macbooks and smart watches. It also contains an important message regarding respectful behaviours, expected of not only students but also adults, within and across school communities. 

This serves as an important reminder and an opportunity to reinforce with all community members our Wembley PS Values of Respect, Inclusion, Resilience and Empathy; and the Department of Education values of Responsiveness, Integrity, Impartiality, Accountability, Respect, Leadership and Human Rights. 

We have taken the time to specifically share this information with you, as whilst most parents and carers within our community engage respectfully with staff and students, unfortunately on occasion we have had instances where some community members have not engaged respectfully with staff members and students, whether it be via face to face, or written communication. 

Everyone should feel safe in our school community, and this includes our staff members. It is also an opportunity to share our Statement of Values and School Philosophy-Staff, Parent/Carer, Student Code of Conduct with all community members. I ask that you take the time to read the information shared. Behaviours that don't align with our school and Department of Education values will not be tolerated. 

We share this because we do not want to find ourselves in the situation that many schools find themselves in, where educators are leaving the profession, and are hesitant about contacting families, unsure of the nature of the response they will receive. 

This is a topical theme being discussed and addressed in educational forums across the state and Western Region, and serves as a timely reminder for Wembley PS community members. 

We are fortunate to have incredibly dedicated and passionate staff members at Wembley Primary School, and whilst we acknowledge and understand that we may not satisfy every need at all times, we are always acting with the students' best interests at heart. 

As Hon. Ben Carroll MP stated, we are working in partnership to ensure healthy and happy students. Thank you for your consideration of this important message, and in anticipation of your continued partnership. 

Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week

Sunday 26 May is National Sorry Day, and Monday 27 May to 3 June is National Reconciliation Week.

This is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

The theme for 2024, Now More Than Ever, is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will and must continue.

Across the week, students will be engaging in a range of meaningful lessons and activities to grow our knowledge and understanding of National Reconciliation Week.

We will be learning about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples, for the benefit of all Australians.

We look forward to playing our part to collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures.

We are planning a smoking ceremony in early term three (mid July), following NAIDOC week, and will confirm this date with families in the event that you wish to attend. We are seeking confirmation from our Department of Education KESO (Koorie Engagement Coordinator) to confirm the date, and will inform families.

We would like to thank Kelly Edwards (Marrung Champion), Carmel Manning and Luke Jones, who have planned these acknowledgements of behalf of our Wembley PS community. 

Our year 3 and 4 students engaged in an incursion today from Yarn Bark centred around cultural understanding and safety honouring Sorry Day, and their concept inquiry centred around Australian history. 

Education Support Staff Day

Thursday 16 May is Education Support Staff Day in Victorian Government Schools. We are very grateful for our ES Staff who support our students, staff members and parents, in classrooms, the office, first aid room, ICT tech, the yard, and in cleaning our school. We celebrated our ES staff with a special morning tea, sharing portraits illustrated by students, certificates of appreciation, and expressing gratitude to these important people in our community. I'm sure you will join me in thanking them, on behalf of all students across our school. Thank you to Ania, Cindy, Eileen, Ewelina, Fiona, Grant, Janine, Kathy, KK, Laura, Loredana, Mandy, Mary, Mel L, Mick, Naomi, Sheena, Sheree, Sophie, Sturzy and Tri. Please feel free to share your gratitude with our ES staff on behalf of your families. 

Additional Pupil Free Day - Monday 4 November

An additional pupil free day was approved by School Council during our meeting on Monday. We advise community that we have an additional pupil free day approved for Monday 4 November, which the the Monday before Melbourne Cup Day. 


We thank our year 6 students who initiated the acknowledgement of IDAHOBIT Day at Wembley PS reinforcing our value of inclusion through the power of student voice. 

Thank you to those in our community that honoured this day by making posters, and/or wearing a touch of purple, or rainbow colours. Thank you on behalf of the students, parents and staff members within our community that identify as LGBTQIA+. This is an opportunity for all community members to discuss the importance of inclusion and diversity, and to ensure that all community members feel safe, valued, accepted, and included at all times.

We are also mindful that there are a number of students, parents and staff members within our community that identify as LGBTQIA+, and it's an opportunity for all community members to discuss the importance of inclusion and diversity, and to ensure that all community members feel safe, valued, accepted, and included at all times. 

Furthermore, the Department of Education also has the following information that they ask schools to consider. 

The Department of Education is committed to ensuring all Victorian government schools are respectful, safe and inclusive places of learning and work for all students, staff and members of our school communities. As part of this commitment, the department supports all schools to join the many other schools and workplaces across the country to recognise International Day Against LGBTIQA+ Discrimination (IDAHOBIT) on Friday 17 May 2024. We believe it is important to teach our students about acceptance, respect and inclusivity. By doing so, we are not only creating a safe and supportive environment now, but also preparing students to thrive in a global society.

Road Safety Reminder

This is a timely reminder to all Wembley Primary School community members about the importance of road safety. 

Last week, unfortunately we had a near miss where a parent and child was almost struck, by a distracted driver. Thankfully they are okay, beyond the initial shock of such an incident. 

Road crossing supervisors are on duty from 8:15-9:00am, and 3:15-4:00pm on both Francis Street, and Wembley Avenue. Crossing supervisors have reported to us that some community members can be distracted when driving, or crossing the road, by being on their phones. Again this is a timely reminder to take good care whilst travelling to and from school. We remind all community members to take care and observe crossing signals, parking signals and road signs. 

I continue to have contact with the Department of Education, Maribyrnong City Council, West Gate Tunnel Team, Vicroads, Department of Transport, and our local member Hon. Melissa Horne MP, to discuss road safety and work through solutions, to enable safer travel to and from school, and ease traffic flow, for all community members. We have been informed that Francis Street is the busiest road in Victoria, and again remind all community members to exercise safe driving and crossing procedures at all times.

We thank you for your understanding during this time regarding Capital Building Works, Bradmill Estate Construction, Westgate Tunnel works, and subsequent road closures, which affect our immediate community, and I ask for your cooperation in the following matters regarding road safety, in this interim period, and at all times.

We thank you in anticipation of all community members working together to ensure our collective safety and wellbeing.

Hola Wembley ! - Spanish Blog

Dennis Mazzella and Vanessa Brown, Spanish teachers wish to share a Wembley PS spanish blog with our community showcasing the Spanish learning and teaching at Wembley PS. Gracias Senor Maz. Please visit this page to enjoy the spanish fun!


Wembley Art on Display

The Visual Arts Department of WPS is very excited to announce that Coe & Coe Café will be displaying some of the fabulous artwork that our students have been creating.

Displays will change on a regular basis so that all year levels are showcased at various stages of the year.

We are so appreciative of Coe & Coe lending us their wall space. We hope you can make the time to drop in to the café and check out your child’s work as the exhibition evolves throughout Term 2.

3/4 Hooptime

Congratulations to the students who participated in Hooptime on Wednesday 15 May. Thank you to the coaches Ben Landolina and Ryan Cotterill who dedicated time coaching the students throughout the term, and to the parents that were able to attend and assist on the day. We are very proud of the effort, teamwork and resilience of all involved. 


Sustainability and Environment Update

During buildings and grounds subcommittee of school council, two of our parent volunteers and Wembley Waste Warriors Louise Hudson, and Lisa Marty, together with Sofia Courtney, Mel Irons, Grant Hobson, Renee Johnson, and the year 6 Sustainability and Environment captains shared great progress...

Resource Smart Star - One Star!

Thanks to Lou for working with us to progress towards our first Resource Smart Schools star!

Soft Plastics update - Coles, Woolworths and Aldi trial

Whilst soft plastics initiatives have ceased at some grocery stores, we wish to share that the current soft plastics recycling trial locations are Coles and Woolworths stores in:


- Flemington

- Moonee Ponds

- Northcote

- Ivanhoe

- Brunswick


- Balwyn, Box Hill, Burwood Brickworks, Carnegie North & Hawthorn East


- Prahran

- St Kilda

Planting and harvesting

See our captains and WWW planting and harvesting in our school garden beds. 


I wish to share with families this information regarding camps that was sent to parents and carers in term one. 

In response to the Victorian Government Schools Agreement (VGSA) and the financial implications associated with the payment of time in lieu for camps, schools across the state of Victoria have had to re-evaluate the structure of their camping experiences.

Many schools have had to make the difficult decision to forego camping programs altogether due to these significant financial considerations, however at Wembley PS, we are committed to providing these invaluable camping experiences for our students. 

Another important consideration has been the rising cost of living, and the impact that this has had on a number of families across our community. 

As a result, from 2024, there will be adjustments to our camping program across various year levels. Whilst we endeavour to sustain the quality of these invaluable camping experiences, some camps have been reduced in length to accommodate the current financial constraints. 


Throughout this process we have consulted with our community via: 

  • staff Consultative Committee (which contains union representatives, teacher representatives and education support staff)
  • parents on School Council, and Finance Subcommittee
  • principals of eight local government schools, as well as our 
  • student body, upon reflection of each 2023 camping experiences

Our goal has been to strike a balance between preserving the essence of each camping experience whilst meeting current VGSA requirements. 

We would like to specifically acknowledge the adjustment made to the Year 6 Camp. 

Our Year 6 Camp has traditionally been located in Canberra, and has always been viewed as somewhat of a ‘rite of passage’ for our Year 6 students.

Whilst the Canberra camp aligns with the curriculum focus of democracy, the associated costs involved in traveling to the nation’s capital have become too significant for this camp to remain a viable option. We explored shortening the length of the camp from four nights to two, however as it takes two days to travel to and from Canberra, it deemed this option void. 

With careful consideration, we have had to make the difficult decision to change the destination for our Year 6 camp, and reside within Victoria.

Many of the schools in our local area have made the same decision.  


Please see below for a summary of our revised 2024 Camping Program




Fairy Tale Fiasco

Wembley PS

Afternoon event

Term 3, Week 2

Wednesday 23 July


Year 1

Movie Night

Wembley PS

Evening event

Term 3

Wednesday 24 July

Year 2

Camp Sunnystones

Bacchus Marsh

Full day


Term 2, Week 10

Thursday 20 June

Year 3

CYC The Island

Phillip Island

2 days, 1 night

Term 3, Week 4

Monday 5-Wed 7 August

Year 4

Fern Gully Lodge


2 days, 1 night

Term 4, Week 2

Mon 14-Tuesday 15 Oct

Year 5

Camp Kangaroobie


3 days, 2 nights

Term 4, Week 4

Wed 30 Oct-Fri 1 Nov

Year 6

Melbourne City 

Urban Camp

Melbourne City

3 days, 2 nights

Term 4, Week 7

Monday 18-Wed 20 Nov


We will provide comprehensive details regarding itineraries, staffing, payment options, and opportunities for parent helpers, early in Term 2.


We plan to seek feedback from our students, staff members and parents regarding our 2024 camping program, later this year, to inform our 2025 process. 


Your support and understanding in relation to this matter is greatly appreciated. As always, we remain committed to working together as a community to ensure the best possible outcomes for our students.


If you have any questions regarding these adjustments, please do not hesitate to contact myself or a member of the leadership team. 

Capital Building Works Project

Great progress has been made with our capital building works project and we are tracking well to move into the new building in Term Three, from August 2, 2024. 

We are now ordering furniture, and preparing to decant our year four classes, Rachel's class (5A) in the centre of the BER, the specialist team, and the office, by the end of term four. 

In the photo's below you will see the capital works project team. 

(Left to right)

Me: Vassie Vatsilas-D'Arcangelo (Principal)

Chris Bourke - Johnstaff Construction Services  Site Manager

Mitch Dean - Johnstaff Construction Services - Contract Administrator

Andrew Flynn - Johnstaff Construction Services - Project Manager

Pam Drakopoulos - AOA Architect and Superintendent

Grant Hobson - WPS Buildings, Grounds and Maintenance Manager

Liam Thomas - VSBA Senior Project Officer


Fundraising target for 2024 is 'break out seating' in the new build valued at $19,260, pictured here, which was a tender item not included in the building project budget.
Fundraising target for 2024 is 'break out seating' in the new build valued at $19,260, pictured here, which was a tender item not included in the building project budget.