Year 10 Art Excursion

Ms Sharon O'Leary

The Year 10 Visual Art cohort, accompanied by Ms Eve Longley, Ms Samantha Jensen and I, were incredibly excited to head into Southbank to view exhibitions across GOMA and Griffith Art Museum. 


We started our day viewing the Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art at GOMA. This exhibition celebrates the artistic achievements and creative talents of senior high school students across Queensland. We know that these works were truly inspirational for our students ahead of them creating their own self-directed work next semester. 


After a quick lunch in the sunshine, we then headed to Griffith Art Museum, where we were treated to a tour by the Director of the facility herself, Angela Goddard. Students learnt about the Indonesian art collective, Taring Padi, and their philosophy of art as a tool for change within their nation. As an additional bonus, Angela took us through the university students’ art studios, giving us the opportunity to see “art making in action” and a glimpse of tertiary arts life. Visual Arts Masters students happily engaged with us and discussed their practice in gallery spaces located campus. 


It was a truly wonderful day celebrating Visual Arts.