Co-curricular Corner

Head of Student Engagement & Activities - Claire Hatchman

Junior ESU Heats

On Wednesday evening, we had two junior students in the English-Speaking Union’s Junior Heats. Millicent (Year 8) and Bianca (Year 7) had been working on their speeches for weeks! Lots of reciting, practicing and feedback was involved and students excelled on the evening. 


Their speeches were based on Mark Twain’s’ quote, ‘Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life’. Milly and Bianca shared speeches about the importance of the little things in life but also the difficulty of this in a world filled with traumatic events and mental health crises. Both students should be commended on their dedication and courage.


Congratulations to Millicent who will proceed to the Grand Final for the Junior competition. Good luck Milly, we are excited to hear how you go! 


Mt A Debating Updates

In a thrilling turn of events, both Year 7 debating teams emerged victorious in their latest debates, showing their growing abilities in argumentation and critical thinking. The wins not only bolstered the teams' confidence but also solidified their skills as they approach the final rounds of the season. Thanks to our incredible Student Coaches who are leading them impeccably! 

To prepare for their upcoming debates in Round 4, students gathered for a Debating Breakfast, initiated by our Debating Captain, lizzie Christian. This ‘Final Fuel Up’ included lots of hearty breakfast items and lively discussions around how to ban billionaires. As they near the end of their 2024 debating journey, anticipation and excitement levels were high with students keen to leave a lasting impression on the competition.

Secondary Voices Festival

Thank you to Hayley Marsh who accompanied our Showcase Chorale ensemble to the Secondary Voices Festival last week, her experience is below:


‘Last Thursday, members of Showcase Chorale from both Mount Alvernia College and Padua College attended the Secondary Voices Festival with Tori Longdon at the Brisbane City Temple, hosted by the Australian National Choral Association. Other schools in attendance were Mansfield State High School, Brisbane State High School and The Gap State High School, creating a massed mixed choir of over 100 singers. Singers learnt three pieces in less than two hours: Festival Alleluia by Australian composer Lyn Williams, Total Praise by Richard Smallwood, and Nero's Expedition by Moondog. Showcase Chorale enjoyed the experience of singing as part of a massed choir and working and learning from a master in the field of choral conducting.’