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At Mount Alvernia, we are committed to fostering the growth and development of our students, not only academically but also as individuals. Inspired by James Clear’s acclaimed book, Atomic Habits, the mantra "every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become” guides our approach to personal development and character building within our school community.


It’s essential to recognise that no single instance of a behaviour will transform one’s identity overnight. Instead, it is the accumulation of these actions, the votes cast daily, that gradually build the evidence of who we are. For example, adhering to our school policies, choosing to study a little extra each day, helping a classmate, or practising mindfulness regularly are all small actions that, when repeated, contribute significantly to developing a disciplined, compassionate, and resilient individual.


We hold our students accountable by encouraging them to start with small, manageable habits. By beginning in a small way, they can experience success and build confidence, which reinforces positive behaviour. As these behaviours are repeated, they become ingrained, leading the way toward larger, more impactful changes.


We are committed to creating an environment where every student can thrive and grow into the best version of themselves. By understanding and embracing the power of small actions, our students learn that they have the power to shape their futures. They are not only gaining knowledge but also acquiring the discipline and skills that will serve them throughout their lives.


Habits, whether big or small, play a crucial role in the process of developing identity. They are the building blocks of our character, casting repeated votes for the person we are becoming. Therefore, at Mount Alvernia, our students are encouraged to constantly reflect on the actions they take through asking themselves a clear yet profound question grounded in the wisdom of James Clear, "How am I casting votes for becoming the type of person I wish to become?" This self-reflection is vital in assisting our students to take accountability and ownership of the choices they are making, as these will ultimately shape their identity as they continue to take steps towards their future selves.