Deputy Principal

Identity & Religious Life of the College - Richard Rogusz

Ponytail Project 

At our College Assembly yesterday, twenty-two students and one staff member donated their hair to the Ponytail Project and raised funds in support of the Cancer Council and people living with cancer. It was wonderful to welcome family and friends to support these students and to invite them on stage for the hair chop. 

This year Team Mount Alvernia has raised over $16,000 for the Ponytail Project. This is a huge achievement that has exceeded our fundraising goal. If you would like to donate go to To support a specific team member, scroll down to the Team Members list and select the specific team member you would like to support. 


In recognising the generosity of everyone who Rocked the Chop and who have donated to the Ponytail Project, we also remember all those near and dear to us who are sick at this time. We pray for their healing.


Lord, you walked on the earth, 
understood the broken world, 
yet rose from death into new life.
We bring our prayers to you for all those 
who are sick and who need healing. 
Hold them in your loving care
and fill them with your restorative Spirit.
May your grace carry them through this time 
into a new season filled with hope and joy.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, the Lord. Amen. 


National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week

On Sunday 26 May we mark Sorry Day and on Monday 27 May, the commencement of National Reconciliation Week. Sorry Day, held on 26 May each year, acknowledges the Stolen Generations. It marks the date, in 1997, that the Bringing Them Home Report was presented to Parliament and revealed the sad and painful stories of the removal of thousands of Aboriginal children from their families. National Reconciliation Week falls between 27 May and 3 June, two other significant dates in the relations between First Nations and non-Indigenous Australians: the anniversary of the 1967 Referendum and Mabo Day, the anniversary of the 1992 High Court judgment in the Mabo case. 


The theme for this year, Now More Than Ever, is a reminder to all of us that we need to continue the unfinished business of reconciliation. Now more than ever, the work continues: In treaty making, in truth-telling, in understanding our history, in education, and in tackling racism. We need connection. We need respect. We need action. And we need change. Now more than ever, we need reconciliation.



Teralba Park Sorry Day Ceremony 

To mark Sorry Day, Sunday 26 May, the Teralba Park Stolen Generations Support Group Inc., will host a commemoration ceremony at Teralba Park, corner of Osborne and Pullen Road Everton Park. The ceremony will start at 8.00am and conclude at about 9.00am. 


Students who would like to attend this event are asked to complete the registration form posted to News on MyMtA. An information and permission letter will then be forwarded to parents/carers.


Students will need to make their own way to and from Teralba Park and wear their College uniform (including their hat). They will need to arrive at the park by 7.45am and sign in with Mr Rogusz.


Kalinga Park Sorry Day Ceremony

The Noonga Reconciliation Group will also host a commemoration ceremony at Kalinga Park from 10.00 – 11.00am on Friday 24 May. The College will be represented at this ceremony by our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.


Laudato si’ Week

Laudato si’ Week is celebrated annually in the month of May. From 19-26 May, the College will join the universal Church in celebrating the ninth anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato si’: On Care for Our Common Home. The theme for 2024 is “Seeds of Hope.” It is inspired by the symbol for Season of Creation 2024, “First Fruits” and calls us to be seeds of hope for our planet, in our lives and our world. The Celebration Guide and resources can be accessed via the Laudato si’ Week website,


Sustainability Expo

To celebrate Laudato si’ Week, our Year 8 students will host the Laudato si’ Week Sustainability Expo during Break 1 (10.54 – 11.34am) from Monday 20 - Wednesday 22 May. In groups of four (7 groups per class), students will present the displays they planned as part of their Reflection Day. The students will engage a range of topics from climate change and waste to fast fashion and bees. We look forward to hearing their insights and advocacy action ideas. The Expo will be held in L001, so if you would like to come along, you are most welcome. The schedule is below: 


Monday 20 May: 8.2 FLUXR and 8.3 LICIM 

Tuesday 21 May: 8.1 BUTTA and 8.5 OGORJ

Wednesday 22 May: 8.4 HATCC and 8.6 OGORJ    


Sprout Squad Project

In August the Franciscan Schools Australia will host its staff conference, “In Our Own Backyard.” In preparation for the conference, next Thursday at Break 1, the Sprout Squad will join Sr Catherine White and Mrs Alison Stone from Franciscan Schools Australia to make seed bombs. Seed bombs are balls of organic matter that contain a collection of herb and flower seeds. They are easy to make and attract bees and other wonderful creatures in our own backyard. The seed bombs will be gifted to the delegates to the FSA conference in August. In our Year of Service, this is a wonderful project for us to contribute. In our next newsletter, I look forward to sharing with you some photos of the working bee.


Colour Week

In Week 7 (27 – 31 May) the College will celebrate Colour Week and this year the colour for Colour Week is Green. Throughout the week our College community will raise awareness and funds to support the amazing work of the Australian Conservation Foundation. Since 1965 they have been Australia’s national environment organisation and are dedicated to protecting our wildlife, beaches, and bush.  Everything they do is evidence-based and helps nature and people thrive for generations to come to help regenerate Australia’s natural environment.


During this week students will be invited to participate in a range of activities including a screening of The Lorax (Monday in L001), seed planting (Tuesday on the Picnic Rug), 

a No Lights Dance Party (Wednesday in the San Damiano Centre) and Green Day with a bake sale, sausage sizzle and Rock Band (Friday in Francis Court). 


On Wednesday 29 May, students are invited to contribute plastic bottle lids (such as milk or ten cent bottle lids) that will be used to create a sustainable artwork. The lids can be dropped in the tubs outside La Cucina. 


On Thursday 30 May students are asked to go plastic free for the day. This means eliminating their use of single use plastic and opting for reusable water bottles, cutlery and containers. 


To celebrate Green Day on Friday 31 May, students are invited to wearing some green accessories with their College uniform. We ask students to keep it environmentally friendly by wearing cloth not plastic. Shirts, socks, hats and ribbons will be fine. 


Please keep an eye out on We Are MtA and MyMtA for updates on locations and activities.