From  Our Students

Guest Reporters: Chloe, Isabella, Maryam and Laura

For each edition of our newsletter a small team of students are invited to become our Guest Reporters and share with you some of their experiences.   This week we are pleased to have reports from:

Laura, Maryam, Chloe and Isabella

So Many Excursions! 

Melbourne Zoo 

Our foundation students went on their first ever excursion to the Melbourne Zoo! The bus was filled with excitement and energy to see all the animals – when they came back, we could just tell how much fun they had! 


The students favourite animals were the Meerkats because they were so cute, as well the the Zebras and Lions of course!


We asked the foundation students what their favourite part of the whole days was, here is what they had to say:




"Seeing all the animals and playing on the seals!" - Ricki-Lee




"Seeing the monkey, dinosaurs and elephants!" - Isaiah 







"Meeting all the animals and seeing where they live!" - Eimear


State Library 


At the state library, the juniors got to experience creativity by making their own books. They also got to go up to the dome which was on the top level, it was really cool and super high up! The juniors got to look down to see all the people studying! 


We asked some of the Juniors about there highlight of the day! Here is what they had to say:


 "The book I made – The Golden Bracelet; it had Gems on the front cover! "- Maddison


"My favourite part was decorating my own book, and putting lots of stickers on it!" - Ruby



"Making my own book was my favourite part – I filled the cover with love hearts." - Amelia




"I learnt about how old some of the books were! The books were cool - some were so old they were broken! " - Arah




 "My favourite part was making a brick wall in the children’s area! It was really dark and no one could see in!"- Mason




What's going on in Middle School? 


In inquiry, we are making iMovies about different parts of Australia. First, we got assigned a place in Australia, and we got partners. Then we got iPads, and did some research on what the places look like. Some of the places are Tasmania, Queensland, New south Wales, and more! 



We then got pictures, and put them into the iMovies, some people did voice overs and some people put music behind pictures of their work. 


We are not finished yet but our favourite parts of doing this were seeing all the beautiful places around Australia, and making the sound effect were super fun as well! It was funny hearing and seeing all the funny voice overs and pictures some students chose!




We can’t wait to finish these iMovies and show off all the different places middles school researched. 


What about Senior School?

In inquiry, we are investigating how to make a good stall, by going to Queen Vic Market, 

it allowed us to see how they advertise their products, and stalls. Upon our return from the markets, we got sorted into a group and had to collaborate to come up with an idea. 

Some of the ideas include, loom band necklace and bracelets, brownies, chocolate toss, hook-a-duck and snow cones. After we came up with our idea we had to make an advertisement, with pictures and lots of colour! 


At the moment, we are finishing our posters and creating the table set up! The table set-up is a really fun part because you to see what looks best in the stall. Next up will be actually making the product and setting up the activities. 



We are presenting our amazing stalls to other KPS students and staff next term in week 3. Students and staff will able to visit and buy or play in each of the stalls. We are so excited to see what our stalls end up looking like, and to see all our hard work pay off.