School Council News 

28 June 2024

Hello from School Council,

We met via Webex on the 11th of June. Unfortunately, my notes were written on the back of my grocery list. So we’re just going to wing it…… ;D


First of all, we would like to acknowledge that we have regular participation from our student representatives from the SRC, the school captains and all our busy parent and community members. Of course not forgetting our Principal, Assistant Principals, the Business Manager and staff representatives.


Our discussions range from the quiet to the extraordinary achievements of our students and their daily school day. From our music, sports, art and STEM.


As we come to the halfway point of the year, winter is descending. We should encourage our students to stay true to their commitments and they have our full support.


Our building project has hit a slight hitch and both Mr Ruff and Mr McMillin have put a lot of effort and time into ensuring that the school council was fully informed. So if you can, please keep contributing to the school Building Fund and Working Bee Fund to keep on improving the facilities we have.


Mr Bray reminded us that mid-year exams were in full swing and of course Semester One reports will be published at the end of term.


In the Push-Up challenge, congratulations to all participants (Students, Staff, Council members…. And NEXT YEAR maybe we can get some parents sponsored) and Mr Ruff is getting fitter everyday…



‘Comedy for a Cause’ 18+ years of age is coming to Mullauna College on Saturday 7th  September 2024. Gather your family, friends, co-workers…neighbours, the Butcher, the Baker and the Candlestick maker…and come an’ have a laugh with us.




By the time you read this, our Year 10 adventurers will have left for Central Australia and some are out on work experience.


From Yeng and Elisabeth 

(Council Members, MC P&CA … and Mums)



Our next meeting is Tuesday July 23 2024 (Week 2, Term 3) at 6PM.