Sports News 

28 June 2024

Student Highlight

Congratulations to Maya Anderson from Year 7 who has been selected for the Under 12’s State Netball and Football teams.

Maya attended a number of trials for both sports, with a large number of participants hoping to be successful and make it through to the final stage. We wish Maya all the best in the upcoming State games in August and September.

Laura Chiappa

Year 7 Year Level Co-ordinator

7 Health & PE

Over the past few weeks in year 7 Health & PE, students have been undertaking a Gymnastics unit, whereby they learnt how to safely perform a series of jumps, rolls & landings. The unit culminated in the development of short gymnastics/dance routines in small groups, which were both entertaining & impressive!

Many students seemed to enjoy this change of pace & it’s hoped that each student was able to learn a new skill or improve their body proprioception & coordination as a result of the unit.

Term 2 Sports Wrap Up

Sport Education in the final few weeks of term 2 saw both year 7 & 8 teams represent Mullauna at the Mullum Division interschool round robin tournaments, including the year 7 Soccer & year 8 AFL & Badminton teams (pictured). The year 7 Soccer team showed amazing resilience & tenacity to make it to the grand final after 4 consecutive matches without a break, nor a substitute on the bench, before ultimately going down to a well-drilled Auburn team.

The year 8 AFL team showed similar resolve & spirit in their matches at Elgar Park, whom were ably assisted by several year 7 students on the day.


The year 8 Badminton 1st & 3rd teams finished 2nd overall in their pool, narrowly missing out on finals.


Lastly, the Division Cross Country event saw some strong runs by many of Mullauna’s representatives on a picture-perfect day at H.E Parker Reserve in Heathmont.

Special mentions go to Daniel S, Jimmy T, Will T, Tom S, James F & Perri G, all of whom progressed through to Regional Cross Country. Perri went on to finish 11th in her age group at Regional Cross Country, automatically qualifying her for State Cross Country on Thursday July 18th next term – we wish Perri all the best for this event!

Jordan Perree

Sport Coordinator & HPE Faculty Leader