Laudato Si'

Indigenous Perspectives, Inspired By Faith & Sustainability News - Miss Natalie Dullard

National Reconciliation Week, 27th May to 3rd June 

At St Mary's, we are all FIRE Carriers in action and are committed to reconciliation across all areas of our school.

Sacrament of First Communion

This Sunday 2nd June, 10am at Immaculate Conception Church, Hastings, we celebrate the sacrament of First Communion. All families are welcome to attend this special event and support our candidates, Peter, Zach and Ruby. 

We pray for Peter, Zach and Ruby as they prepare to receive Jesus in the Eucharist. 

Faith Themes Weeks 7 & 8

The Western Port St. Vincent de Paul Conference delivers food parcels to people in need in our community and is currently looking for donations of the following:

  • Pasta & Pasta Sauce, 
  • Tinned soup, noodles & cup of soup, 
  • spreads such as Honey, Jam, Vegemite, 
  • Tuna, tinned vegetables and tinned fruit, 
  • toiletries (tooth paste, soaps, tooth brushes), 
  • Long Life Milk, Tea and Coffee.

If you are able to help, please leave your donations at the school office. 

Thank you for your support! Any questions, please contact Miss Dullard


Following their Term 2 Excursion, our Dolphin Research Institute (DRI) 'i sea i care' ambassadors, Caleb, Tayla, Ruby and Peter presented at Assembly last Friday. 

As part of the program, the students are learning about the value of our amazing marine environment, how we are always connected to it and how to teach others to care for the ocean, whilst developing their leadership skills. 

We are so proud of their involvement in the program.