Dates to Remember

Term 2 2024
27/05 | Reconciliation Week - First Nations inspired Breakfast Club |
Sea is our Best Friend Walk 11.15am-1.15pm | |
28/05 | Reconciliation Week - First Nations inspired lunchtime activity |
Mangrove Warriors DRI Mangrove Project with Andy from Ozfish 12-2pm | |
School Board Meeting 7pm - All welcome! | |
29/05 | St Mary’s Nature Based Playgroup 8.45-9.45am |
Reconciliation Week - Free Dress fundraiser for Opening The Doors Foundation (colours of the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander flags) | |
First Nations Inspired lunchtime activity | |
Commissioning of Fire Carriers Ceremony 2.45pm - parents and families all welcome | |
30/05 | Reconciliation Week - Student Fire Carrier Leaders' classroom visits |
31/05 | Family Fun Friday - First Nations 'Now more than ever' theme |
JUNE | |
2/06 | Sacrament of First Holy Communion Mass - Staff, students and families |
5/06 | World Environment Day |
Nature Based Playgroup | |
Open Day Twilight session 4.30-6pm | |
Grade 6 Community Confirmation Dinner 5.30pm (Confirmation Commitment) | |
7/06 | Assembly 8.45-9.30am |
10/06 | King’s Birthday Public Holiday - School Closed |
12/06 | St Mary’s Nature Based Playgroup 8.45 - 9.45 am |
13/06 | District Winter Lightning Prem |
14/06 | Family Fun Friday 8.45 - 9.00am |
17/06 | Sea is our Best Friend Walk 11.15 - 1.15pm |
19/06 | St Mary’s Nature Based Playgroup 8.45-9.45am |
21/06 | Assembly 8.45-9.30am |
23/06 | Sacrament of Confirmation Commitment Mass 2/3, staff, students and families |
24/06 | Excursion for all Grade 1/2 students to Cranbourne Gardens |
25/06 | Student Teacher Conferences |
26/06 | St Mary’s Nature Based Playgroup 8.45-9.45am |
Year 9 Padua students Drama play to Prep - Grade 3 12-12.30pm | |
Student Teacher Conferences | |
28/06 | Assembly Spirit Awards 12pm |
End of Term 2 - 1pm finish |