Grade 5 & 6 News

On Monday the 6th of May, the Manifold Heights PS AFL Team went to Bell Post Hill to compete in a Lightning Premiership carnival. The other schools we played were South Geelong, Fyans Park, Chilwell, Hamlyn Banks & Rollins. 


The team were victorious in their first two matches against Hamlyn Banks & Rollins and went down in competitive matches against the other 3 schools. In the playoff for 3rd place, we narrowly lost, with some inaccurate kicking being the difference. 


The team played their best all day and worked as a team. Thank you to the teachers and parent helpers on the day. We all had a lot of fun representing Mano.


Zeplin & Angus W - Mano AFL Team Captains 

Ava - Mano AFL Team Vice Captain