Primary News

5/6Prep 'Hands On Science' Incursion
7/6Student-Free Day (Report Writing)
10/6Kings Birthday Public Holiday
12/65/6 Winter Lightning Premiership
14/6Primary Brainstorm Production
20/6Free-Dress Day
20/6Community Market 3:15pm-4pm
20/6AGM 7:30pm
21/6Primary Assembly (3/4C)
27/6Music Showcase Evening 6:30-9pm
28/6Last Day of Term 2 (2:30pm Finish)

We like to Move It, Move It!

The buzz and excitement filling our school as students rehearse for "Madagascar" is truly exhilarating. Watching them embody characters and uncover new, life-giving talents is a thrill.

At Bayside Christian College, we provide a varied and holistic education, helping students discover the abundant life that God has provided for each of us.


Musical productions are unforgettable experiences, bringing joy, entertainment, and hope to both actors and audiences. They offer countless opportunities for growth and excellence. Through these productions, children express themselves creatively, exploring their emotions and imaginations through music, acting, and dance. This fosters individuality and artistic expression.


Performing in front of an audience builds confidence and self-esteem. Overcoming stage fright and receiving applause is incredibly empowering. Musical productions teach the importance of teamwork and collaboration as children learn to depend on each other, listen to different perspectives, and work towards a common goal.


Participation requires commitment, practise, and discipline, instilling values of hard work, time management, and responsibility. Children enhance their verbal and nonverbal communication skills, learning to convey emotions, tell stories, and interact effectively. Memorising lines, songs, and choreography improves memory, concentration, and attention to detail while encouraging problem-solving and critical thinking.


Above all, musical productions are fun! They provide a joyful and exciting experience, making learning enjoyable and fostering a lifelong love for the arts. 


Thank you to our talented performers, directors, choreographers, musical directors, backstage crew, costume designers, set and prop designers, administration team and our incredible parents, whose enthusiastic support makes every endeavour possible!


God bless,


Mrs Danielle Lupi, Head of Primary

Majeda Beatty Incursion

Last week, our primary school had the privilege of hosting Majeda Beatty, an Indigenous performer. The event was a vibrant and energetic interactive experience that immersed the children in Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal cultures. Through dance, song, stories, and language, students learned the importance of both cultures. They were introduced to traditional instruments, costumes, and the natural mineral ochre used for body paint designs. The white paint from the ochre symbolises the significance of connection, a deeply valued aspect of Aboriginal culture. Overall, it was a wonderful incursion that everyone thoroughly enjoyed.


Mrs Abby Kidney, 3/4K Teacher

We Encourage and Build Each Other Up!

Our Primary school motto was put into action this morning as Mrs Nadarajah blessed and surprised her students with words of encouragement. There were many squeals and smiles as students discovered their special notes. You’re awesome Mrs Nadarajah!

District Cross Country

Last Friday, May 17th, our school's resilience and sporting prowess were displayed as 68 students from Years 3 to 6 braved the autumn weather to compete in the District Cross Country event. Despite the challenging rain and cold conditions, our students showcased remarkable resilience, securing 2nd place in the junior category, 4th in the older age group, and an overall 3rd position.


The 9 and 10-year-olds conquered a 1.5km course, while the 11 to 13-year-olds navigated a 2.5km extended course. A special mention must go to Sammie Gorrie and Chase McDermott for their outstanding victories in their respective events and Kenzy, Logan, Caleb, Mikayla, Kelsey, Arlia, Cora-Mae and Lydia for qualifying for the next level of competition, the Division Cross Country! Further, congratulations go to all the competitors who gave their best efforts on the day. 


Our success was not just about the winners, but also about the spirit of teamwork and support that was evident throughout the event. We are immensely grateful for the invaluable contribution of Year 7 students from Bayside, who served as hares for the events. Their dedication and support were instrumental in ensuring the smooth running of the races, and they deserve commendation for their fantastic job. We couldn't have done it without you, team! 

Division Cross Country

Congratulations to our Cross Country Division competitors! We are thrilled to announce and celebrate the outstanding achievements of our cross country team at the recent division meet. Each of our athletes demonstrated exceptional dedication, perseverance, and sportsmanship. Here are the notable results:

  • Logan Jones finished in 11th 
  • Caleb Kidney finished in 13th 
  • Lydia Teramoto finished in 22nd 
  • Sammi Gorrie finished in 24th 
  • Kenzy Horne finished in 26th 
  • Chase McDemott was absent, but his contributions and support to the team are always appreciated.

Please join us in congratulating them on their excellent performances! Keep up the great work, team, and continue striving for excellence! 


Mr Zacc Klan, Primary PE Coordinator 

Young Christian Thinkers Symposium

On the 16th of May, our Grade 6 student leaders, Thomas Hooper, Georgia Harris, Portia McDermott and Winter Nixon, took the stage at the Young Christian Thinkers Symposium, held at Wesley Church in the city. This event brought together students from many CEN schools, creating a beautiful environment for sharing and discussing their ideas.


Our primary team, accompanied by Mrs. Hogarty, Mr. Hill, Mr. Johnstone, and the secondary team, travelled to the city to present their thoughts on local justice—a topic they have been studying through scripture. Their presentations were articulate but also deeply insightful, sharing their understanding and personal reflections on the Gospel and its implications for how we should live.


The feedback from the other symposium attendees was overwhelmingly positive. It was inspiring to witness these young minds engaging thoughtfully with complex topics and God’s Word. It was a powerful reminder of the potential that lies within our youth to effect change and promote justice in our communities.


We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our Year 6 leaders for their outstanding work. We also sincerely thank the teachers, with a special mention to Mr. Waldron for organising the event. Well done to all involved!

5/6 Camp 

Last week, our Year 5/6 students embarked on an unforgettable camp experience at the Log Cabin and Sovereign Hill. Blessed with beautiful sunny weather, the students immersed themselves in adventurous team-building activities and the rich history of the 1850s gold rush.


The camp began with activities designed to challenge and excite. Students tackled the giant swing, testing their courage and enjoying stunning views. The milk crate stacking activity fostered teamwork and problem-solving as students collaborated to build the tallest tower. The adventure continued with the low ropes course, requiring balance and coordination, and concluded with ziplining, where students soared through the air, feeling the rush of adrenaline.


Visiting Sovereign Hill on the second day was a highlight. The historic town, a living museum depicting life during the gold rush era, became the perfect backdrop for our students to step back in time. They eagerly panned for gold, eyes excited upon discovering tiny flecks. The underground mine tour offered a glimpse into the harsh conditions and techniques miners used to extract precious gold.


In addition to these activities, students explored historic streets, interacted with costumed characters, and learned traditional crafts. For many, the most anticipated part of the day was visiting the confectionery shop, where they delighted in old-fashioned sweets and treats, enjoying a taste of history that was both educational and delicious.


Overall, the Year 5/6 camp was a resounding success. The combination of adventure, historical immersion, and sweet treats made for a memorable and enriching trip. It was a joy to see our students relish the adventures of the past and return with a deeper understanding of our nation's history.


Student Reflections


We saw how they made raspberry drop lollies and even tasted them. We also went to the Gold Smelter, watching them turn raw gold into a solid gold block. It was worth $360,000!

At the end of the day, we did gold panning, took a mine tour and went shopping in the Main Street. Some people bought lollies and souvenirs for themselves and their families. - Thomas 5/6W


I really enjoyed camp because of the great experiences and the great food provided. My favourite meals were lasagne and chicken wraps. I liked the giant swing best because it was exhilarating and very fun. The staff at the camp were very kind and social; they always greeted us and had great manners.


We stayed in many different cabins spread out across the campsite. The cabins were good quality and the beds were comfortable. 

Overall, I recommend you go to this amazing camp for new challenges and experiences. - Maddison 5/6W


I must say, going to camp was honestly amazing! I loved watching the gold smelting, and the room's darkness made the 360,000 dollars worth of gold look as bright as the sun. I went on the giant swing. My stomach was doing flips while I was swinging through the air and I loved watching some of my activity group being brave and going upside down. I made memories I can certainly never forget. - Jewel 5/6 H


My favourite activity had to be the giant swing. It was 10m tall but super fun. On the second day of camp, we went to Sovereign Hill to see lots of things used in the 1850s. We also got to pan for gold, which was exciting, as we saw little specks of gold. - Noah  5/6 H