Year 5/6 - Senior Unit

We’ve had a very busy fortnight in the Senior Unit! Last week, we had students compete in the Winter Interschool Sports Competition in Romsey. Whilst the weather was not kind to the 5/6’s, they braved the elements and showed true sportsmanship throughout the day. The boys softball team has even made it onto the next level where they will compete later on in the year!
This week, students have all attended the swimming program at Kyneton Aquatic Centre. They have learnt water safety including techniques on how to call for help and vital life saving skills. It has been wonderful to see their teamwork and resilience during the sessions.
In Literacy, students have been publishing their information texts ready to present at the upcoming Science Fair (date TBA). This week we have now launched into our debating unit with students trying their hand at brainstorming ideas and hosting mini debates. They are already quite skilled at debating!
In Maths, the Senior Unit have finalised a unit on measurement where they participated in a range of hands-on tasks which required them to use the correct units of measurement to find the capacity, mass or length of objects. This week, they are now moving into budgets and finance which will take them through to the end of the term.
In Inquiry, students will now begin planning their presentation for the Science Fair after wrapping up a busy few weeks of experiments. They have done a truly incredible job of researching, observing and reporting on their experiences so far and are keen to share all they have learnt with you shortly!
Year 5/6 Teachers
Andrea Evans (56E), Kasey Ward (56W), Nathan Spilsted (56S), Katie Cashen (56C), Iain Spar