From the Office

We receive many phone calls from parents, advising they are unable to access upcoming events in Compass.
The usual reason is because they have tried to process consent and payment AFTER the ‘respond by’ date listed in each event information.
The ‘respond by’ date is chosen to allow event organisers to know final numbers for things like camp, or to make payment to providers. Teachers are not allowed to transport any child or allow them to attend events, if at least, parental consent has not been received, so your cooperation to respond to the regular reminders sent is sought.
We ask that parents please:
- Turn on notifications in Compass so you are aware when new events have been posted and need action. See below for instructions to complete this.
- Provide consent and payment BEFORE the cut off date, hence saving you from having to call, or the school having to follow up via a phone call on the day of the event.
If for some reason you don’t currently have access to Compass, please give us a call and we can help you to reset your password or troubleshoot other issues.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties we urge you to also contact the school office to confidentially discuss options.
Apart from the newsletter, Compass is the main form of communication home, so it is important all parents have access.
The Victorian Budget 2024/25 delivers the School Saving Bonus as part of a $287 million package – providing $400 in support for every child at government schools, and eligible concession card holders at non-government schools.
How families will receive the School Saving Bonus
The Bonus will be provided during Term 4 of this year, making sure families have time to plan and budget for the 2025 school year ahead.
Families will receive a credit on their school family account to help meet the cost of activities and uniforms. Cash will not be paid directly to individuals or families.
More guidance on implementation will be provided to schools and families in Term 3.
The School Saving Bonus is open to parents and carers of every child enrolled in a government school in 2025. For non-government schools, families eligible for the means-tested Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund, including healthcare and concession card holders, will also be eligible for the additional $400 support.
If your child attends a government school, you do not need to apply or do anything to receive the School Saving Bonus; the funds will be provided to your child’s school.
The application process for non-government schools will be the same as the existing Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund.
Other supports
The one-off School Saving Bonus will be in addition to existing and continuing means-tested supports for camps, sports, excursions and uniforms. This helps to ensure that families most in need continue to get additional support.
The application-based Affordable School Uniform program, available through State Schools’ Relief to families experiencing financial hardship or other forms of vulnerability and short-term crisis, will continue to be available for families to access if they need additional support beyond the School Saving Bonus. This program allows schools to make multiple applications for support on parents’ behalf throughout the year if needed.
The department is working on the implementation of the School Saving Bonus. We will provide more guidance to schools and families in Term 3, 2024.
To help you be aware of when a News Feed or Event or other communication is sent by the school from Compass, we suggest you enable the ‘Allow Notifications’ for Compass in the settings of your phone.
Below are screenshots form an iPhone and the process for Android phones is similar. If you are having any difficulty, please call or come into the office or enlist the help of a teenager.
Business Manager
Sue Turner