Lapathon 2024

Thank you to everyone who has sent in their Lapathon sponsorship money. So far, we have raised just over $9,000 which is great, but let’s see if we can raise even more.
We are aiming to have the Major Prize Draws at the end of this term, so there is still plenty of time to get in your sponsorship money.
Prizes are going out as quickly as possible, so get your money in to collect your prizes.
The winner of the ‘Guess How Many Sausages We Cooked’ competition was Keira in 1/2B. We cooked 578 sausages. Keira guessed 577. Well done.
Last week we also presented the trophy to the House Team who completed the most laps during the Lapathon. Altogether, we did almost 4000 laps with Chisholm team members doing 1075 laps. The Chisholm Captain’s Pippa & Lucien collected the trophy. Well done, Chisholm.
Money raised from this year's Lapathon will be put towards the cost of our memorial garden which will be enjoyed by current and future students for many years.
Thank you for supporting the Lapathon.