
Canteen Roster  - May
Canteen Roster - June
5Holly & 1 helper needed6Bec L7Karl & 1 helper needed
12Jess & 1 helper needed13Victor & Sue W142 helpers needed
192 helpers needed20Sue W212 helpers needed
26SUSHI Day27CANTEEN CLOSED - stocktake28CANTEEN CLOSED - stocktake
  • As you can see, there are plenty of unfilled spots on the roster
  • Please help to end the term on a happy note.  Call me ASAP should be free on any of the above dates.  Only 9 to 12.45 with a free ice treat for your children plus the chance to give them a little love through the window.
  • Sushi Day is Wednesday 26th June….Details to follow
  • Just a reminder to purchase a paper bag with every Qkr order.

Canteen Manager

Jenni Rossi