
This past couple of weeks we have been focusing on having overdue books returned to the library (again!!), as we were creeping up towards 700 overdue books. While I tend to harp on a bit about it, it really is important to return library books to the school, if not within the two weeks the students can have them for, but at least within a reasonable time frame. Often other children are waiting for a book to be returned so they can borrow it, but also, library books are used in the classroom book boxes as a part of the Literacy programs.
Please help your children find any missing books, as it does upset those who cannot “find” overdue books and are therefore unable to borrow any more from the library. Library books can be returned on any day to the classroom or direct to the library, regardless of whether it your child’s library day or not. And if it really is lost, please replace or pay for it.
Book Club
Book Club catalogues have been distributed this week. The due date for last orders delivered to the school is: Friday 12th June.
Susan Machell