Student Awards & Achievements

Value of the Week

Assembly 22.05.2024

ClassStudent Detail
PBSSebastianFor his excellent explanation of what a split digraph is, and always remembering to look for digraphs when he is reading. Well done! 
PCLHarryFor the outstanding growth he has made across all learning areas this semester. 
PLCMatildaFor demonstrating multiple ways to make a given number to your peers. Well done Matilda. 
1/2AAndieFor demonstrating the school values, working well with others, setting a good example and attempting all tasks even when you are unsure. Well Done! 
1/2BArthurFor being a learner by listening extremely well, being ready to answer questions and explain his thinking across all lessons. Super star effort!
1/2TEleanorFor being a great role model for the rest of the grade by making great choices and by being focused in class
1/2RMaggieFor being open to learning from your classmates. It’s so great to see you give your own ideas as well as seeking out the ideas of others. Well done Maggie! 
4AIAlexaFor demonstrating a responsible attitude by always trying her best, working considerately with others and being a kind friend.
4LSMomoFor her can-do attitude towards her learning and always embracing new challenges with a positive outlook. You are fabulous!
4SMBrodieFor demonstrating our School Value 'Be Responsible' by settling into the routine of Carlsruhe and taking on the different roles in a sensible and responsible way. A very pleasing effort Brodie!
5/6CHaydenFor his amazing editing, revising and publishing of his information report on Energy. Well done Hayden!

Artists of the Week - 22.05.2024

Year 3 students spent many, many weeks construction ‘Castles’.  This involved building, painting, decorating and making people to live in their castles.


Everyone did a fantastic job, and the castles look amazing.  Well done Year 3.


There were so many good castles, and everyone worked so well, that Miss Mann found it impossible to pick just a couple of ‘Star’ castles.

Instead, everyone will get a Bee Token and Certificate to acknowledge their big effort and creative work.

Assembly 29.05.2024

ClassStudent Detail
1/2BHazelFor writing terrific sentences that convinced me not to let the Pigeon or her drive the bus. 

Artists of the Week -  29.05.2024

Year 4 students looked at pictures of owls and then used oil pastels to draw an 'Owl at Night'.  They used a combination of colours and worked hard to show the owl's beautiful feathered coat.  Great work Year 4.

Our Star Artists are: Jasper, Annika, Patrick, Holly, Sam, Momo, Eleanor, Rory, Mabel, Oliver, Brodie and Charlotte