Community Languages Chinese

Ms Yingna Ke and Ms Jane Zhou

In the Chinese classroom, our Stage 1 students have been enthusiastically exploring different types of food. They've learned how to say eggs, noodles, rice, yogurt, and, of course, the delicious ice cream! To make learning even more enjoyable, we've incorporated exciting games that help them practice their vocabulary. Many groups earned tokens for their victories, adding an extra layer of fun and motivation.


Meanwhile, our Stage 2 students are also delving into the world of food, but with an added twist. Alongside their food studies, they are discovering the cultural differences in the dining etiquette between China and Australia. Through learning and comparing various dining etiquette's, they are gaining a deeper appreciation for both cultures.


Our amazing Stage 3 students are now learning about vocabulary for jobs and professions, exploring what they and their classmates aspire to be in the future. They've also put in a lot of effort this term to learn pronouns in Chinese. Now, they are able to combine their knowledge of pronouns and job-related vocabulary to create some impressive sentences in Chinese.