Principals Message 

A proud principal 

Connecting to Aboriginal Culture and Heritage

Earlier this term, our Koori students, school leaders and their families had the opportunity to attend Homebush West PS for the Strathfield Network’s Koori Connections event, celebrating cultural heritage with special guests from Menindee Central School, a remote school in far west NSW. This is the second time we have had the opportunity to connect with our rural and remote colleagues and friends, at an event that brings together students, teachers, family and community members from many schools, fostering rich cultural exchange and connection.

Our students and their families joined students from across the Strathfield network of schools in the afternoon, interacting with Menindee Central School students. They all enjoyed sharing stories about their different school experiences and later they participated in rugby, basketball, soccer and knitting activities. The afternoon highlighted the students' leadership and community spirit, as they strengthened relationships and cultural connections.

Another highlight was the performance of “Weeping Cloud” by the teachers and students from Menindee Central School accompanied by a local choir; the story of a Barkindji woman Isobel Bennett who was child of the Stolen Generation. This play captivated the audience, showcasing the talent and cultural heritage of the performers. There were over one hundred guests in the audience at the evening performance, including Jan Green, Executive Director Metropolitan South, Kathy Powzun, Executive Director Connected Communities, Paul Owens, Director Educational Leadership Bondi Network, Angela Lyris, Director Educational Leadership, Port Jackson Network, our own Director, Maria Serafim and principal colleagues from our Wingara Network of schools. The event provided a valuable opportunity for students and community members to understand the impact of Stolen Generations stories, and connect with First Nations cultural identity, people, and Country.

National Reconciliation Week

This week we acknowledged National Reconciliation Week a week which helps us to understand and promote the core principles of reconciliation. National Reconciliation Week offers a prime opportunity to educate about reconciliation, but it is essential to integrate Indigenous perspectives and reconciliation learning into teaching programs year-round.

The theme "Now more than ever” encourages all Australians to make a tangible difference in reconciliation through their daily lives, be it in their homes, workplaces, or social environments.

Students K-6 engaged in learning across the week through discussions and reading about the concept of reconciliation, our shared histories, cultures, and achievements. They have explored how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia and why reconciliation is important. We thank our First Nations Team for the work they are undertaking in ensuring our staff are resourced and supported in this critical learning and engagement.


The importance of being on time for school

Research indicates success in learning is strongly linked to strong participation in school programs which is linked to school attendance. It is important for children to develop habits of punctuality at an early age, beginning from the time they start school.

Some of the benefits of being on time to school include;

  • Ensures that your child does not miss the important learning activities that happen
  • early in the day when they are most alert.
  • Helps your child to learn about routines and commitment.
  • Gives your child time to greet their friends before class. This can reduce the
  • possibility of disruptions in the classroom.
  • Arriving on time every day supports children to feel strong connections to school
  • and to have a positive view of themselves.
  • We strongly encourage all students to be at school by 8:45am every day in order to
  • be ready to learn and enjoy a successful day.

 2025 Enrolments

Applications are now being accepted for Kindergarten 2025. If your child turns 5 before

July 31, 2025 they are eligible to start school next year. We would appreciate local area

enrolments submitting their applications as soon as possible.


We offer our support and encourage you to complete your application to enrol online. If,

however, you do not feel comfortable completing an application online, a paper copy

will be available for collection from the front office or can be downloaded from the school website- here


Please apply online- here Please keep an eye out for invitations to our School Tours as this provides a great opportunity to visit the school, find out more about the school and ask any questions.


Annual Report

Each year the Department of Education asks all schools to prepare an annual report on school progress and achievements.  Our 2023 Annual School Report has been published on our school website found here

Student Learning Conferences

Thank you to all the parents who attended the Student Learning Conferences earlier this term. We conducted over 415 conferences including 41 with interpreters.

Please remember that if you did not attend, or if you ever need to have a meeting with your child’s teacher, do not hesitate to email the teacher through the school email


We would like your feedback on the Student Learning Conferences. Please complete this quick survey here


Farewell to Mrs Karen Mortimer

Mrs Karen Mortimer has officially retired from her position at Principal of Strathfield South Public School. Mrs Mortimer served 42 years with the Department of Education, 9 of those as the Principal of SSPS. At the Strathfield Principal network meeting held last week, Karen was awarded with her service medal BY Director Educational Leadership, Maria Serafim and farewelled by her principal colleagues.

There will be an opportunity for members of the community to celebrate and farewell Mrs Mortimer at the end of this term (more information to come). The principal role for Strathfield South Public School is has been advertised and is currently in the merit selection process.