Assistant Principal's Report

Leasyl Richards - Curriculum

17th May 2024

Nude Food

100%  Nude Food lunchboxes4MP  6LV2CL  2SP   6LV
96% Nude Food lunchboxes2EB   3JN4OK   4SM
95% Nude Food lunchboxesPKW  2CLPBC   PNA
TOTAL Nude Food average for WHPS 88%86%

School Pride

 This week I got to head out with 4MG to sweep up some of the autumn leaves. We managed to fill a green bin with leaves!

ICAS reminder

An ICAS post has been put up on Compass for parents who may be interested in their child participating in ICAS tests this year. Please note the closing date for enrolments is Friday 7th June. 


At Wheelers Hill Primary we have developed an extensive enrichment program to support our students who are working well beyond the expected curriculum level. We have both external and internal programs in place.


Supported by the Department of Education we host the Victorian High Ability Program. So far, in 2024, we have had 12 year 5 and 6 students participate in the VHAP maths program and 15 year 5 and 6 students participate in the VHAP English program. 


Next term we will have hundreds of students participate in the ICAS testing. 


Forty students participate in the Year 5 and 6 Maths Olympiad which involves the students sitting 4 Olympiads but also spending one lunchtime each week working with a teacher to practice problems, skills and strategies to help solve Olympiad type problems.


Forty Year 3 and 4 students participate in our own Junior Maths Olympiad to prepare them for Olympiad type problems.


Mr Okita runs weekly sessions for some of our Year 3-6 students as part of our Maths Investigators and Literacy Sleuths sessions.  He also hosts some one-off enrichment sessions in Year 1 and 2 (Little Sleuths and Mini-Investigators).


Each Friday Mr Stockton runs ICT enrichment sessions for select Year 1-6 students allowing them to explore coding, game making, algorithmic thinking and processes. 


 A massive thank you to Mr Okita and Mr Stockton who host and facilitate these programs. 


Leasyl Richards