Middle Years

 - Mr Ben Hawthorne

Year 8 YOLO Day 


Last Friday the Year 8s completed their YOLO Day at Mirrinatwa. For most of the Year 8s this was their first time visiting Mirrinatwa and they embraced the beautiful natural environment of the Grampians along with all of the challenging group activities planned. 


I was impressed with their ability to stop and reflect after each of the group tasks and to implement feedback and advice in their next activity. This was exactly what the YOLO program is about, learning from experiences and adjusting to feedback. Overall, the cohort learned that they need to focus on slowing down and listening to instructions carefully and accurately. 


The weather was kind to us, with a bright sunny day, which allowed the Year 8s time to explore the Mirrinatwa property for some quiet time and in small groups. 



Mid Year Exams

I encourage all the Middle Years students to slow down and approach revision for Mid-Year Examinations in a planned and methodical manner, and to listen to the revision advice and exam instructions given by teachers. After all, the teachers write the exam, so these instructions are valuable in what and how to revise!


This week Middle Years students have not only been focusing on revision activities, but also learning how to revise, along with developing exam strategies to help maximise their marks in each subject. Hopefully these strategies help to reduce the stress and anxiety associated with the lead up to exams, but also sets up our Middle Years students for success in the Senior Years and their future VCE examinations. 


Learning is an active process so students should ensure they are actively doing something (practice questions, notes etc) as part of their revision. I wish all students good luck with their exams next week.