This Week's Updates

Dear Parents,
We have been so lucky with mild and mostly dry Autumn, but Winter has arrived and no doubt it will bring with it lots of colds and illnesses. Please remember to keep your children home from school if they are unwell.
We had some excitement last week with a special visit from some Hawthorn Footy Club players. Our 3-6 year levels had the opportunity to partake in a Q&A session with 4 current AFL players, Jack Gunston, Luke Breust, James Worpel and Calsher Dear. The players spent time with the children answering questions and signing autographs.
Last Friday's Principal Network Meeting
On Friday, I had the pleasure of spending the day with other principals at the Principal Network. This session focussed on each school's individual NAPLAN data and I must say that our St James student achievement data stacks up very well next to National, State and local schools' data. We heard from from our Eastern Region Learning Consultant who outlined further the MACS Vision for Instruction both overall and then specifically in Mathematics for the next 6 years. I am proud to say that at St James, we are very well placed to attain maximum learning for our students.
St James Hosting Principal Visitors from Lismore
Next Tuesday 11 June, we will be hosting 14 Principals and 3 Learning Consultants from Lismore in far north NSW. MACS Eastern Office asked if we would host this group who are looking to learn about school improvement. Our Leadership Team will put a presentation together to explain how at St James we have lead school improvement focussing on the following areas:
- Strategies to support student engagement
- Initiatives that may connect student wellbeing and learning
- Examples of how data is used to drive decisions about learning
- How MACs Vision for Instruction and Vision for Wellbeing are being implemented
- How our STEM program is it implemented
This is a feather in our St James cap to be asked to host these Principals and share how we have developed our School Improvement Framework and Annual Action Plans.
Building Update
Thanks to the recent favourable weather, the building works are well ahead of schedule. The footings are almost complete and there will be a delay on site while the steel is being made. It's not due for delivery until mid June.
Thanks for your patience with drop off and pick up at the front of the school. I have noticed a few more families using the Frank St gate or parking a little further away, which is advisable.
Special Food Day
Reminder - Wednesday 5th June is Subway Day! If your child has any dietary requirements, please remind them to check their order/ ask their teacher to check their order prior to consumption.
Book Club
Book club orders are due back in by Wednesday 5th June.
Upcoming Dates - Monday 15 July is confirmed as a school closure day. Students will commence classes on Tuesday 16 July for next term.
Enjoy a great week ahead!