Year 11 & 12

Mr Tim Hayward

What's next?

 As the dust settles from the flurry of exams and Externally Set Tasks (ESTs), it is an opportune moment to reflect on our journey so far and chart the course ahead. The transition period following these assessments is crucial for both Year 11 and Year 12 students, each with their unique set of goals and challenges. 


Here is a guide to help you make the most of this time and set yourselves up for success in the semester to come.

Year 12

Focus on Future Success

Year 12 is a pivotal year that demands a clear focus on the future. With one semester down, it is time to ensure that your efforts are aligned with your goals for the final stretch.


Review and Reflect: Take a moment to assess your performance in the first semester. Identify the subjects where you excelled and those where you need improvement. This self-awareness is key to making targeted efforts moving forward.


Seek Feedback: Engage with your teachers to understand your strengths and areas for improvement. Constructive feedback can provide valuable insights and strategies to enhance your performance.


Refine Study Habits: Evaluate your study routines. Were they effective? Are there areas where you can improve time management or adopt new study techniques? 


Balance and Wellbeing: Maintaining a healthy balance between academics and personal well-being is essential. Ensure you are getting enough rest, exercise, and time for relaxation to keep your mind and body in peak condition.


Future Planning: Keep an eye on your post-school aspirations. Whether it is university, vocational training, or entering the workforce, now is the time to ensure you are meeting prerequisites and application deadlines. Attend open days to stay informed about your options.

Year 11 

Reflect, Re-evaluate, Refocus

Year 11 lays the foundation for your final year and beyond. Semester Two provides an opportunity to reflect on your choices and make adjustments as needed.


Assess Performance: Look back at your marks and overall performance. This reflection is not just about celebrating successes but also about identifying subjects that may not align with your strengths or interests.


Course Re-evaluation: If your results suggest that a particular course might not be the best fit, consider discussing alternative options with your teachers or either Mr Bochrinis, myself or Miss Tagore. Switching courses in the second semester can sometimes better align your studies with your capabilities and aspirations.


Goal Setting: Set clear, achievable goals for the second semester. Whether it’s improving your grades, participating more actively in class, or exploring extracurricular activities, having defined objectives can motivate and guide your efforts.


Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Whether it's academic assistance, career guidance, or personal support, the school has resources to help you succeed. 


Plan Ahead: Start thinking about Year 12 and beyond. Even though it might seem distant, early planning can ease future pressures. 


The period following the first semester exams and ESTs is a crucial time for both Year 11 and Year 12 students. It's a chance to reflect on your achievements, address challenges and plan for the future success. 


As we progress through Term 2, it is time to start planning for two of the most anticipated events of the new year - 2025 Leavers Jacket and the Year 12 Ball. These events are cherished traditions, providing memorable experiences and fostering a sense of unity and pride among our Year 12 cohort. 

Leavers Jacket Committee

Our Leavers Jacket Committee has already hit the ground running with two productive meetings under their belt. This committee plays a crucial role in designing and selecting the jackets that symbolise the culmination of our students’ high school journey.


The committee has brainstormed several design ideas and is in the process of finalising the options. They have been considering various styles, colours and customisations to ensure the jackets reflect the spirit and identity of the 2025 graduating class.


The upcoming meetings will focus on selecting the final designs and coordinating with suppliers to ensure timely delivery. Stay tuned for updates on how you can view and vote on the final options.


School Ball Committee

The School Ball is one of the most glamorous and eagerly awaited events of the school year. To ensure its success, I will be forming the School Ball Committee in Week 8 of this term.


I invite all Year 12 students interested in event planning, decoration, logistics, and entertainment to join the committee. This is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to an unforgettable evening and develop valuable organisational skills. The first meeting will be held in Week 8, where I will outline the key tasks and set the vision for the event. We will discuss possible themes, the venue, music and other critical elements. 


Being part of the Leavers Jacket and School Ball Committees is not only a chance to contribute to the legacy of the 2025 graduating class but also an opportunity to develop leadership and teamwork skills. I look forward to seeing the wonderful ideas and hard work from our committees come to life.


Mr Tim Hayward

Head of Year 11 & 12