Year 9 & 10

 Mr Conrad Sloan

Some valuable advice  

I would like to highlight some key events and provide valuable advice for the upcoming weeks. Our Year 10 students have significant milestones ahead, and your support is crucial for their success. 

Year 10 Parent Information Night

We are excited to invite you to the Year 10 Parent Information Night this coming Monday 27 May. This evening is designed to provide essential guidance on the subject selection process for Term 3. It is a critical period as students begin to make decisions that will shape their future academic and career pathways. We will cover the various subject options available, prerequisites for senior secondary courses, and how to align choices with career aspirations. I encourage all parents and guardians to attend and engage in this informative session to better support your child’s educational journey.

Year 10 Information Night will run from 6pm to 7.30pm. Bookings are not required. 

Year 10 Exams

In Week 8, our Year 10 students will sit exams. This is a pivotal time for them, and preparation is key to achieving their best. Here are some strategies to help both parents and students get ready for the exams:

Organise Study Materials:

Ensure that your child has all necessary resources, such as textbooks, notes, and past exam papers. An organised study space free from distractions is also essential.

Healthy Lifestyle:

 Remind your child to maintain a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and engage in physical activity. A healthy body contributes to a sharp mind.

Seek Help When Needed: 

Encourage your child to ask for help if they are struggling with certain topics. Teachers are always available to provide additional support.

Stay Positive and Encouraging: Your support and encouragement can make a significant difference. Celebrate their efforts and achievements, no matter how small.

By working together, we can ensure that our Year 10 students are well-prepared and confident as they approach their exams. I look forward to seeing you at the Parent Information Night and wish all our students the best in their preparations.

Year 9 Social

For our Year 9 students, an exciting social event is on the horizon. Details will be shared next week, but it promises to be a fantastic opportunity for students to relax and bond outside the classroom setting.

This fortnight is packed with significant activities for our Year 9 and 10 students. We urge parents to engage with their children about their preparations and participation in these events. Let’s work together to ensure our students are well-prepared and supported.

Mr Conrad Sloan

Head of Year 9 and 10