Year 7 & 8

 Ms Taryn Sephton

Natural source of knowledge 

Getting close to nature has been the theme this week for both Year 7 and 8 students.

On Tuesday, our whole cohort of Year 7s boarded the South Perth Ferry for a day at Perth Zoo as part of our Science curriculum. Joined by all our Science staff, the Year 7s enjoyed some free-range viewing of animals as well as completing worksheets.

Meanwhile, our Year 8s packed for camp!

From Wednesday 22 until today, our students were based at the Jarrahfall bush camp in Dwellingup.


An abundance of activities included orienteering, rock climbing, abseiling, the flying fox, archery, mountain biking, team building games and a night walk without torches.

With fantastic weather, beautiful surrounds in the forest and comfortable accommodation, new friendships were made, and our accompanying staff were impressed with excellent participation and peer support.

There's no doubt we have tired but happy students returning home today with memories to look back on fondly.


Ms Taryn Sephton

Head of Year 7 & 8