Heads of House

Heads of House

Gandhi House

The school has been very quiet this week as our Year 8s ventured off to camp and Year 11 and 12s were on study and exam breaks. I look forward to seeing the school back to its usual energic self next week. 

Week 7 brings with it our Term 2 House Week in which students can compete in a Mario Kart, Quiz or Table Tennis tournament across recess and lunchtimes. I look forward to seeing our Gandhi students dive into these opportunities with our usual enthusiasm and House pride! Please keep an eye out on notices to sign up and be sure to see our next newsletter as we announce the winners.

Week 7 also brings the Associated and Catholic Colleges (ACC) Cross Country carnival. Congratulations to all the Gandhi students who are representing St George’s at the carnival on 30 May. I look forward to seeing the House spirit and sportsmanship that comes with House Week and to have our incredible Year 11 and 12 leaders back on campus. Go Gandhi!


Ms Amy  Perejmibida

 Head of Gandhi House


Lincoln House

As I write, the Year 8s are on camp and it has been a great opportunity for the Lincoln students to bond and continue building their relationships (even if it was at the expense of my sleep!). 

Next week we will be holding our termly 'House Week' competition in which students compete in table tennis, Mario Kart or a House quiz.  This is an awesome opportunity to join in a fun activity with friends and make new ones as well as supporting the House and earning all-important House points. Sign-ups can be found on the Notices or ask me if you missed the initial sign up. 

At the end of this term, we will hold our annual Lincoln Charity Day event. Once again, we will be fundraising for Headspace, an organisation devoted to improving mental health. I will provide more information and the link for donations in the next edition of The Dragon. 


Mr Vincent Lim

Head of Lincoln House


Mandela House

What an exciting time it has been for Mandela. We extend our best wishes to our Year 11 and 12 students as they have tackled their exams and ESTs over the past fortnight. Your hard work and dedication are commendable. To our Year 10 students, good luck on your upcoming first exams - you've got this!  

Our Year 9 students are gearing up for an exciting Science excursion, while the Year 8s just returned from a spectacular camp filled with fun and adventure.  The Year 7s had a fantastic time on their excursion to the Zoo, creating memories and bonding with their peers.

Next week marks House Week, a highlight of our school calendar! We have many fun activities lined up, including table tennis, Mario kart, and a quiz game show. House Week helps students bond and form friendships - it is a time for friendly competition, earning points and doing something different during lunchtime. Sign-up! Join in the fun.


Mandela House is currently in the lead for the House Cup. Let's keep up the great work and bring in any tokens you have earned.


 Mr Thomas Dempers

Head of Mandela House