Head of Curriculum

Mr Anthony Bochrinis

Year 10 Information Evening – APEx or ATAR?

On Monday, 27 May from 6pm to 7:30pm, we will warmly welcome all Year 10 students and families to our Information Evening, where we will provide further information regarding the subject selection process. Until then, I encourage a thorough exploration of the subject selection package to begin learning about the many different options and pathways available to you. It is an exciting process, and we look forward to supporting you through it.


During the evening, we will also share important information regarding our upcoming Semester One examinations and advice for studying towards these.


To inform you of the arrangements for the evening in advance, including the “expo’’ style set up, please find attached a copy of the program that you will receive on Monday night.

Year 11 & 12 Academic Update

Congratulations to our Year 11 and 12 students who participated in our Semester One ATAR examinations over the past two weeks. Students will receive their results during Weeks 7 and 8, with critical feedback.


If any Year 11 student wishes to change a course (ATAR or APEx), they may do so by making an appointment with either myself or Mrs Tagore to arrange this from the beginning of Week 7. All Year 11 subject changes can be made up until Thursday, 18 July (Friday, Week 1, Term Three).


At the end of Week 8 (Friday, 7 June), Year 11 and 12 ATAR students will have access to their 2024 Semester 1 Predicted ATAR, which will be available on SEQTA Engage and SEQTA Learn under reports. This serves as a fantastic opportunity to reflect on Semester One and make any adjustments to study strategies required for further academic success in Semester Two.

Mr Anthony Bochrinis

Head of Curriculum